
I sent a short and professional email quitting, but couldn’t help explaining why I quit

The following is an email I sent after my brief resignation email I sent days before. I had to repost this because I didn't know screenshots weren't allowed. It's my bad, I should have read the rules before posting. I'm new here but I have been long time lurker. Just a bit of backstory. I worked for a temp agency that assigned me to the Brother warehouse. It was horrible. I could never go back. Everyone keeps quitting because they treated us like 7 year olds and made us sign in and out to use the bathroom. They scold us for being 1 minute late from a break, despite the fact we clock in and show up early every day. The micromanaging and shouting got so old. And it was never necessary because we were always hitting the quota if we were set up for success. One week, I called…

The following is an email I sent after my brief resignation email I sent days before.

I had to repost this because I didn't know screenshots weren't allowed. It's my bad, I should have read the rules before posting. I'm new here but I have been long time lurker.

Just a bit of backstory. I worked for a temp agency that assigned me to the Brother warehouse. It was horrible. I could never go back.

Everyone keeps quitting because they treated us like 7 year olds and made us sign in and out to use the bathroom. They scold us for being 1 minute late from a break, despite the fact we clock in and show up early every day.

The micromanaging and shouting got so old. And it was never necessary because we were always hitting the quota if we were set up for success.

One week, I called out sick but made sure to communicate in advance. But the next week I showed up for work, they deactivated my badge and didn't even bother to tell me. Then 2 hours later, I get an email telling me to report to work. Wtf?

“Something to reflect on.

I gave you more notice than you guys gave me. You turned off my badge and didn't even bother to tell me, thereby wasting the time and money I spent getting to work. And then I need to “report” to work? What am I? A space cadet?

It's pretty obvious that you guys fired me and then changed your mind because no one wants to work at Brother. Between you guys gaslighting about open positions, the hours, the wage, and supervisors yelling at employees like dogs… it's amazing that you all wonder why people walk out during a shift.

One guy on E line walked out and later reported several violations to OSHA. It's apparent that this organization views people as disposable serfs. Good luck staffing. You'll need it. Everyone else is considering quitting. Grocery, fuel, insurance, rent, and mortgage prices have gone up by hundreds of percentage points and $2000 a month is a puzzling proposition.”

They will never get a full staff. They had a decent team before I got fed up. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of my coworkers jumped ship. They sure were considering it.

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