
I sent a strongly worded letter to the DNC and now I’m scared

I was a little drunk earlier and composed this letter to the DNC. I sent it on their website. Right now I feel legit scared the government is going to come after me or something. I’m probably being paranoid but was this TOO strongly worded? Posting here bc idk where else to post. Like I am actually freaking out rn so any opinion is helpful lol The letter: I have grievances with the Biden Administration that I would like to share. The country that you (the DNC) claim to represent is home to so many Palestinian Americans who have family in Palestine fearing for their lives. Your neighbors, or people you have personally spoken to, people you see in the grocery store, have family who were brutally murdered or are going to sleep every night unsure if they will wake up to see another day. I am not Palestinian, but…

I was a little drunk earlier and composed this letter to the DNC. I sent it on their website. Right now I feel legit scared the government is going to come after me or something. I’m probably being paranoid but was this TOO strongly worded? Posting here bc idk where else to post. Like I am actually freaking out rn so any opinion is helpful lol

The letter:

I have grievances with the Biden Administration that I would like to share.

The country that you (the DNC) claim to represent is home to so many Palestinian Americans who have family in Palestine fearing for their lives. Your neighbors, or people you have personally spoken to, people you see in the grocery store, have family who were brutally murdered or are going to sleep every night unsure if they will wake up to see another day. I am not Palestinian, but I have seen the effects; people in my OWN neighborhood and people I personally know have lost family members due to the inhumane bombings of Palestinian civilians.

People in YOUR country are fearful that they will never hear from their family members again. This is not just some conflict happening in some faraway place across the world, there are real consequences happening in your own backyard. People in ——— are fearful. And we are angry.

This is not a government for the people and by the people. This is a government for the rich and corporate interests.

Remember when Biden said, “If there was no Israel, we would have to create an Israel to protect our interests in the region.”

I would like to say that I support and love Jewish people. The doings of the Israeli government do not represent them.***

I imagine the oil and canal shareholders are even happy with the children in Palestine dying, just as they were with the innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan dying. If they make another million, then who cares, right? If you have no conscience, morals, ethics, or even A SOUL, it doesn’t matter who dies, right? Middle easterners aren’t even human, right? As long as you are able to make more and more money, anything goes, huh?

If Biden was really representing us, then he would LISTEN. Maybe your conscience disagrees with your actions? Maybe he does have some morals and wishes to speak against genocide as it is happening?

You (the DNC) have grown too comfortable. You think we are complacent being pawns in the games you play to make more money at the expense of lives.

Money is NOT EVEN REAL. Human lives are. If God exists, if hell is real, anyone who supports this genocide will be there.

AGAIN, as polls have shown, a majority of Americans support a ceasefire and an end to this brutal genocide happening, Republicans and Democrats alike. THE ONE THING WE CAN AGREE ON. Yet, Biden is doing nothing about it.

I did vote for you, Biden, and I WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN. Many Democrats agree with me. You can ignore this email and delete it, maybe some secretary reading this will even laugh at the audacity of one irrelevant citizen reaching out to you, even though I am a tax paying American citizen that is supposed to be represented by you. But before you delete this, or give me some bullshit response, know one thing: in the upcoming election you will lose. The majority of Americans do not support a genocide happening with tax dollars that WE pay into. The Republicans will win because you have no spine. Democrats have been absolutely pathetic.

We are done with choosing between the lesser of two evils. The elite may laugh because people will vote for them in the next election, but we are done. I actually am a citizen who lives amongst other middle class people. I know what we think. And we are done with you, Biden and Trump, and your bullshit illusion of choice.

These bullshit elections are not what we want. We know how you screwed Bernie during the primary.

PLEASE stay with me, DNC employee. I am begging to be heard by the very people I elected.

Our hard earned (yes, from actually working our asses off!! unlike many politicians who benefit from insider trading in the stock market, Pelosi I am talking to you) tax dollars are funding the deaths of innocent people, and we are not okay with this. Israel has universal healthcare funded by US, from MY money. But no, that would just not work for our own country, right? We can’t afford it, right?

It’s so laughable how naive you think we are. We are pissed off. We are not complacent anymore. Keep laughing in your mansions and yachts. Keep laughing like its a song.

I don’t care what your polls show, I am an ordinary citizen unlike you (the DNC). I talk to REAL people about their REAL struggles, unlike you. I grew up in the disappearing middle class and I know what we think, and what we talk about. My parents are attorneys, but why did we have problems paying our bills? They did EVERYTHING right and yet we struggled for such a long time. The “American Dream” is a joke and a lie.

We have disdain for the billion dollar class. YOU STEAL everything from us, own over 90% of the wealth in this country and think that we are okay with it. What a joke.

Stay with me, DNC employee, I know that I got off track. I know this is long.

We are the only developed nation without universal healthcare, and despite what polls tell you, we are angry, and we are suffering. We are actually, quite literally suffering and dying under the rule of the US government. And we are waking up.

You are lying to yourself if you think we are okay with this. Or maybe you’re so old that you don’t care what happens in a few years because you’ll be dead. The planet is dying but that doesn’t matter because for the few years you have left you get to enjoy it on a mega-yacht.

The Palestinian Americans, and every other American in YOUR country will not forget your actions. I am an ordinary civilian, and trust me when I say that people are angry.
You, Joe Biden, and all the other filthy rich live in a bubble. You don’t know what we talk about; and we are angry. I know that all politicians care about is the fate of the next election, so MAYBE you could show Palestine some support if you would like to be reelected. Maybe you could actually do something about student loans and healthcare and climate change and grow a spine.

We will not forget what you have done. I am no longer going to be choosing between the lesser of two evils, and many Americans agree with me. You are deluded if you think we will forget about this when the next presidential election comes.

I hope the billions of dollars from the canal you are trying to build in Palestine to rival the Suez Canal is worth the thousands of lives being lost. Blood is on your hands and I cannot comprehend such evil.

I am no longer going to be complacent in the heinous crimes the United States government is committing, against both their own people and others around the world.

To the DNC employee who made it this far, thank you.

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