
I should have never be came a manager

I post this in the r/papajohns but I wanted to share it here too. The only thing I regret about working at papa John’s is becoming a manager. I should have stayed a driver. The last 3 weeks I have been working 6 days with one off day. I had to close and then open the next day for two of my shifts. In the last year I have been working here I have been doing the GM job and getting shit from her every step of the way. Everything I do to help the store she would say she appreciated me and then when I ask her if she can work a day she usually doesn’t work she said she have doctors appointments and can’t. She knew one of our managers needed a weekend bc her daughter birthday and the GM got hand surgery and is out of a…

I post this in the r/papajohns but I wanted to share it here too.

The only thing I regret about working at papa John’s is becoming a manager. I should have stayed a driver. The last 3 weeks I have been working 6 days with one off day. I had to close and then open the next day for two of my shifts. In the last year I have been working here I have been doing the GM job and getting shit from her every step of the way. Everything I do to help the store she would say she appreciated me and then when I ask her if she can work a day she usually doesn’t work she said she have doctors appointments and can’t. She knew one of our managers needed a weekend bc her daughter birthday and the GM got hand surgery and is out of a month. Just a few months ago she did the same thing when it was time for me to take my vacation. She took a month leave knowing I ask of a week off and that my DM and another Manager need a week off bc they was going to Vegas. So I had to move my vacation until November this was back in August. I told my DM to fire her and just get a new GM but he won’t do it bc she been with the company for over 11 years but he’s done with her shit though! When I can I’m going in for a interview at another job so I can quit. This job have stress me out to the point where I need to take medicine just to feel okay. I have become depressed over this job for over almost 6 years. I left different papa John’s thinking the one I was going to would be better but it’s not. Sorry I just had to vent.

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