
I should’ve left this place when we were understaffed

Just really need to vent. In 2021 I was a year into this job when all of a sudden all the coworkers who started before me except for 1 started quitting. It’s a small company maybe 10 people in our department max but soon it was just me and 1 other person. I stayed long hours pulling doubles, working by myself most shifts, extra days same with the other person. Job isn’t hard but the bosses don’t know the grunt work I would’ve felt guilty leaving And even when we got more people hired we had to take the time to train them. My coworker any I got a puny promotion like a $2 raise for helping keep this place afloat. And you know what I was content until that boss retired This new boss doesn’t appreciate me. She likes the other lead and newer people better. Shit she even…

Just really need to vent. In 2021 I was a year into this job when all of a sudden all the coworkers who started before me except for 1 started quitting. It’s a small company maybe 10 people in our department max but soon it was just me and 1 other person.

I stayed long hours pulling doubles, working by myself most shifts, extra days same with the other person. Job isn’t hard but the bosses don’t know the grunt work I would’ve felt guilty leaving

And even when we got more people hired we had to take the time to train them.

My coworker any I got a puny promotion like a $2 raise for helping keep this place afloat. And you know what I was content until that boss retired

This new boss doesn’t appreciate me. She likes the other lead and newer people better. Shit she even asked me if I wanted to demote myself the other day…

I used to see myself here long term and now I think about walking out. And I really wish I hadn’t stayed during that staff shortage-cause no one care how much I did

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