
I snapped at a manager of the store I used to work at

I just saw something that triggered this memory in me from years ago when I used to work in a store in the UK. It was a department store that had clothing for men, women, kids and then the home section. I worked in the Home section, and it was nearing Christmas. Every year on December 27th, was one of the biggest sales where people would line up for hours to get inside and get the good deals. Think black Friday in the US, only full of rude British people. In the build up to the sale a week or so before, we had to start prepping the home section to remove things that will not be sale and take them to the large staff break room, making room for the actual sale items. Initially it was me and three other people that were moving all the heavy household items.…

I just saw something that triggered this memory in me from years ago when I used to work in a store in the UK. It was a department store that had clothing for men, women, kids and then the home section. I worked in the Home section, and it was nearing Christmas. Every year on December 27th, was one of the biggest sales where people would line up for hours to get inside and get the good deals. Think black Friday in the US, only full of rude British people. In the build up to the sale a week or so before, we had to start prepping the home section to remove things that will not be sale and take them to the large staff break room, making room for the actual sale items. Initially it was me and three other people that were moving all the heavy household items.

After about 45 minute to an hour I noticed that I was the only one doing the work, as the others were pulled to manage the department. I had to move the heavy clay pots that weighed about 40 pounds, large awkward containers of the decorative variety, coffee tables, storage units, etc.

After about 2 hours working on this by myself, I went into the break room with the most recent trolley of items and one of the managers from the women's clothing section sat with her friends on her break and was calling over to me, telling me where to put the items, not to put them where I was putting them, and was telling me how to rearrange everything. I looked back and yelled at her asking if she wanted to help me, she was more than welcome to roll her sleeves up and help, but if I am the only person actually doing the work, she can keep her mouth closed. I had been doing this for 3 hours on my own at this point. I thought I was going to be fired, but she looked shocked and went all quiet. I never did get in trouble, as I was confused why she didn't follow up with my boss.

She was one of those managers that loved the power, but hated getting her hands dirty with the work. I really did not like her. One other time she also tried to get me into trouble for going to the bathroom, despite getting approval from my actual manager. Needless to say, I told her that I had nothing to do with her or her department and she could take it up with my manager if she wanted, then walked away.

I am not normally like that, as I was very polite, but she irked me. I don't like to be irked.

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