
I spent 4 years at a job I hated until I FINALLY HAD ENOUGH

This is my first time posting to Reddit because I really wanted to share all the crap I had to deal with. I'm not even sure if this saga belongs here. This is going to be kinda long so I'm sorry in advance. So, in 2019, I (32F) started my new job at a bed manufacturing company near my home. I had lost my previous job just two days prior and just decided to try my luck. I was immediately interviewed, which I aced and this woman who I've dubbed Idiot, told me that if I'm interested, then I'd start work the following Monday. I was excited, as Idiot seemed cool at the time. Boy was I wrong. Fast forward 6 months and management was already problematic. It was family-owned and run except for Idiot who was….. secretary/assistant manager/HR??! Like who do you go to when the person causing the…

This is my first time posting to Reddit because I really wanted to share all the crap I had to deal with. I'm not even sure if this saga belongs here. This is going to be kinda long so I'm sorry in advance.

So, in 2019, I (32F) started my new job at a bed manufacturing company near my home. I had lost my previous job just two days prior and just decided to try my luck. I was immediately interviewed, which I aced and this woman who I've dubbed Idiot, told me that if I'm interested, then I'd start work the following Monday. I was excited, as Idiot seemed cool at the time. Boy was I wrong.

Fast forward 6 months and management was already problematic. It was family-owned and run except for Idiot who was….. secretary/assistant manager/HR??! Like who do you go to when the person causing the problem is the one you report the problem to? Her treatment of me and the other 3 ladies in the office was very two-faced. One minute, she's cool, laughing and talking about random things and the next, it was like she was deep-throating the Devil. I could never say that to her face, as she always touted about how much she was a Christian and went to church.

The pandemic hit and because we weren't exactly an essential service, the factory had to close, not work from home or anything, just home. Until the Ministry of Health sent an email stating they needed hundreds of beds for those affected by COVID and in quarantine in their facilities. Back to work. By this point I was actively trying to find better employment, going on interviews, but I was unsuccessful. I had started to hate waking up in the morning to go to that place and see Idiot.

The company had an outlet in a very dangerous neighbourhood and they needed someone to go assist Big Boss' daughter, Moron. I repeatedly told Idiot that I did not want to be sent there because I'd already had many tiffs with Moron just over the phone. Idiot sends me to that outlet. I was annoyed but tried to look at the glass half full. I wouldn't have to see Idiot! Moron was pleasant enough at first and then she started living up to her name. Then the worst happened.

The outlet experienced an attempted robbery and because I was in front of the door, LongJohnSilver came at me with a cutlass, demanding money. There was none to be had and LJS left. I was panicked but calm and Moron was losing her mind. I managed to keep a level head so that when the cops arrived, I was able to help them. As a result of this attempted robbery, I had to go back to the main office for a few days. I told Idiot that security was desperately needed there because two small women were NOT safe. She proceeds to tell me that she'll have to confer with Hot Head, Big Boss' son and the company's MD who also had his own business.

I go back, no security guard is hired and then that fateful day occurred. Feb. 1, 2022. The day that changed my life forever. The day started fine, I'm at work watching YT videos on my laptop to pass the time because we hardly ever got customers there. The location wasn't ideal but it was Moron's terrible attitude toward customers and neighbours that kept people away. Anyway, Moron tells me she's going maybe three minutes away by car to go buy lunch. TWO HOURS LATER Moron still hasn't returned, no customers came and I'm still on YT. Then the doorbell rings. A customer has arrived finally. I buzz the door open, he asks for the price of a bed, but he doesn't come inside. He's wearing a reflective vest so I figure he's one of the road workers and just came for prices. Next thing I know, he's barging inside and he has a knife to my throat! He was the decoy! He starts demanding the money just as a second man comes in also wielding a knife. Mastermind cuts all the power from the breaker which disables the security cameras. His face is fully covered, he's in all black and he knows the layout of the place. He's apparently robbed the outlet before. I am so scared, wondering if this is how I die. Mastermind instructs Decoy to take me to the backroom and proceeds to rummage through the drawers for money all while yelling to Decoy to st*b me and r*pe me if I don't give him the money. I beg and plead, shaking at the r*pe comment because I'm in relationship with an amazing man as big as they are and I really didn't want to be afraid of him during intimate moments. Fortunately, those were empty threats to get me to comply. They trashed the backroom, Mastermind clearly the more aggressive of the two, threatening to take my life all while dragging me to the bathroom. I was afraid this is where they'd assault me but they just locked me in and made their escape(meanwhile the lock was inside the bathroom with me and the door can't close). I wait a couple minutes, run out, turning the power back on so I can call the police. They'd stolen everything from me but my laptop. My phone, my bag with my purse and money in it. I can see the robbers across the street and I call the police and then the main office. It happened again!! I scream into the phone to the coworker who answered. A female customer comes, but I don't open the door and I beg her to call the cops because I was just robbed. I'm crying, shaking, having a full on panic attack because IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Not five minutes after the robbers leave, Moron finally arrives. I was suspicious of her from the jump because HOW CONVENIENT that her car breaks down 3 minutes away from work for TWO HOURS?!! She comes in, all panicked, calling the cops and I feel like I just did 100 jumping jacks with cement weights on my my wrists and legs. I'm going into shock, my body won't stop shaking and I won't stop crying and Moron is on the phone panicking to the police. She comes and tries to hug me to comfort me and I don't like it. I'm disgusted by her. Then Idiot arrives and she and Moron are FIGHTING OVER HOW TO COMFORT ME!!! Idiot makes me sit on one of the beds with her, trying to pull me to her side and I start crying all over again. Moron then forces me onto a bed and throws a musty old mattress cover on top of me. Eventually, Idiot takes me to the hospital after calling my partner and my mom to let them know what happened and where she's taking me.

We arrive at Emergency, where my aunt works and she's on shift. She immediately takes charge, tells the doctor personally of my arrival after Idiot speaks to her. I see the doctor, no physical injuries but I'm clearly in shock. Soon enough, my mom shows up, then my partner and then my younger brother. My brother and I are as close as we could be and my brother is insanely protective of his family. When it was all said and done, my brother decided to leave because he KNEW he was going to punch Idiot in the face for all the BS she was spouting. My partner is holding me as I continue to cry, fury in his voice as he speaks to Idiot and I can feel him clenching his fists in my shirt. My mom and aunt are both very upset and Idiot, trying to speak diplomatically, is just making it worse for herself. Anyway, Idiot pays the bill, pays for the sleeping pills the doctor prescribed me and my aunt takes us home to wait for the police. I give my statement, take a sleeping pill and fall asleep wrapped in my partner's arms. I get 2 weeks off from work, but in that first week, Idiot asks me if I know how much was stolen from the company. It was in that moment that I knew I'd never respect her again.

Idiot noticed the change in my attitude towards her and asked me what was wrong earlier this year. I told her. I told her how I didn't have respect for her, that I have vilified her and blame her for what happened to me last year. I could see my words hurt her but I didn't care. She asked for the truth and I gave it to her.

Our interactions gradually got worse and it all came to a head two weeks ago. She had given me three different tasks and expected all three tasks to be done by day end. I tried, but it was impossible. She came down from her high horse berating me for not doing everything she wanted and I snapped. I said something along the lines of, I am not your f*king child!* This shocked her because I'd never sworn at her. She called me upstairs and called another coworker to be a witness and asked what I said and why I said it. I repeated what I said and told that I don't appreciate her talking down to me that way. She goes; Oh. You need to decide what you want. Go back downstairs and think about it for two hours and come back and let me know. I smiled and simply said okay, going back downstairs to my bag and getting out the resignation letter I had typed up and printed using their stationery. I went back to her five minutes later and handed it over without a word. She opened it and saw that it stated the next day would be my last. At first she didn't want to accept it, saying that by law I have to give more notice than a day. I knew she was right but it wasn't mandatory, so I didn't change it. I finished out my week and she told me to return that Friday for my 'severance package'. I woke up that Wednesday morning happy for the first time in 4 years.

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