
I start a new job this week and dont know how to feel.

I’ve been unemployed for about a year and a half. (Only working gig jobs for a few months at a time in between) so I’ve reached the point where i kinda need to rejoin the work force. I was offered a position as a manager of a salon and i took the position but i just don’t feel right about it. After i accepted the position, i received an email with an 80 page packet that i am supposed to read in-depth before i even start training. They told me they will quiz me on the packet at training. The position is very sales oriented, which i don’t really care for. I’m not a numbers person and dont feel that sales goals are actually realistic. I’ve always been an operations type guy. I also just don’t like the idea of working 40 hours a week for someone else. (I could…

I’ve been unemployed for about a year and a half. (Only working gig jobs for a few months at a time in between) so I’ve reached the point where i kinda need to rejoin the work force. I was offered a position as a manager of a salon and i took the position but i just don’t feel right about it.

After i accepted the position, i received an email with an 80 page packet that i am supposed to read in-depth before i even start training. They told me they will quiz me on the packet at training.
The position is very sales oriented, which i don’t really care for. I’m not a numbers person and dont feel that sales goals are actually realistic. I’ve always been an operations type guy. I also just don’t like the idea of working 40 hours a week for someone else. (I could work 40 hours a week doing something i love that benefits me- but when it comes to doing it for a corporation i just feel like I’m wasting my life.)

I’ve kinda come to a point though where my feelings don’t really matter because i need the money- and the pay is good. But i don’t want to jump into something and end up leaving the position because I’m deeply unsatisfied. I also feel like I’m really doing this because my family is pressuring me just to get back out there. I’ve already accepted the position so i feel obligated to go- like there is no turning back. But like should i turn back. I’ve already come to terms with my current financial situation- and have like a month left of living on low funds before my accounts are dry.

I guess I’m kinda just asking for advice and tips on how i should go forth. Should i keep looking for jobs? Or should i just suck it up for the pay? Should i be feeling so down about going back to work?

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