
I swear my employer thinks we’re stupid.

The company I work for has been giving out a lot of raises (not too significant but most of us are getting an extra dollar on the hour). After our new pay kicked in, they hired several more employees and everybody's hours got cut so nobody is actually more and many, including myself are making less. I got told today that, “Your coworkers seemed more excited about their raises than you are.” Apologies for this rant but this really grinds my gears and I think y'all would understand

The company I work for has been giving out a lot of raises (not too significant but most of us are getting an extra dollar on the hour). After our new pay kicked in, they hired several more employees and everybody's hours got cut so nobody is actually more and many, including myself are making less. I got told today that, “Your coworkers seemed more excited about their raises than you are.”

Apologies for this rant but this really grinds my gears and I think y'all would understand

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