
I swear to FUCK, if I hear this shit again…

Texas. Shithole state. Can’t afford to leave sadly. Our state labor laws are so ass backwards it’s not even funny. It’s never beneficial for the employee, EVER. It’s almost like skirting around the law here and other similar states from what I understand has become a culture in and of itself. Every time an employer skirts around federal and state law, it’s always the worst bullshit things. My last straw has to do with my classification as an exempt vs. non exempt employee. I won’t go into details since I’m fighting this out and don’t want to ruin any chances I have. I had an argument with my employer because I’m working 95 long ass hour weeks and being told we aren’t working enough. We are salaried exempt from OT. In my field it’s apparently “legal” to classify these employees as “exempt” due to a certain state guideline on job…

Texas. Shithole state. Can’t afford to leave sadly.
Our state labor laws are so ass backwards it’s not even funny. It’s never beneficial for the employee, EVER.
It’s almost like skirting around the law here and other similar states from what I understand has become a culture in and of itself. Every time an employer skirts around federal and state law, it’s always the worst bullshit things.

My last straw has to do with my classification as an exempt vs. non exempt employee. I won’t go into details since I’m fighting this out and don’t want to ruin any chances I have.

I had an argument with my employer because I’m working 95 long ass hour weeks and being told we aren’t working enough. We are salaried exempt from OT. In my field it’s apparently “legal” to classify these employees as “exempt” due to a certain state guideline on job position classification guidelines.

But what really grinds my gears here more than anything.. I ask the question “while XYZ is arguably legal to do, don’t you think it’s morally and ethically wrong to do XYZ to your employees?”

The response has always been the same shit. “Not at all! What we are doing is perfectly legal, what’s the issue?”

I’m tired of being treated less than human because some employer finds a loophole or a way to legally justify some absolute bullshit, then justify it as not being a bad way to treat employees because “it’s legal!”

When the everloving fuck is enough going to be enough.


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