
I think I kinda get it. I think I understand the Boomers a little bit better as of yesterday.

So I just started a new job, usual shit. It’s a good opportunity, but it’s all the same bullshit as every other job. During training, however, something my trainer said caught my ear. He’s maybe 55-60, so he’s a Boomer, and when we were talking about job stress he said, “no need to make this job stressful. Yknow? Our lives and everything outside of work sucks, no need to bring that to your job as well, right?” I laughed in the moment, said “yeah haha right” but then I just kept thinking like…nah bro LMAO my life outside of work fuckin rocks. I do whatever I want, go wherever I want, do nothing all day if I want, eat healthy food cuz I have the time to prepare it, hang out with my family, exercise, breathe fresh air in a park, paint miniatures, eat delicious meals, drink fancy wines, enjoy…

So I just started a new job, usual shit. It’s a good opportunity, but it’s all the same bullshit as every other job. During training, however, something my trainer said caught my ear. He’s maybe 55-60, so he’s a Boomer, and when we were talking about job stress he said, “no need to make this job stressful. Yknow? Our lives and everything outside of work sucks, no need to bring that to your job as well, right?”

I laughed in the moment, said “yeah haha right” but then I just kept thinking like…nah bro LMAO my life outside of work fuckin rocks. I do whatever I want, go wherever I want, do nothing all day if I want, eat healthy food cuz I have the time to prepare it, hang out with my family, exercise, breathe fresh air in a park, paint miniatures, eat delicious meals, drink fancy wines, enjoy the feeling of being alive, etc. like literally there’s a BILLION things I do besides work. I think the whole “Boomer mentality” really comes down to the sad fact that a lot of them just fucking hate being at home. They’re getting older, probably unfulfilled in some ways, maybe feeling like their work is their only outlet/escape from a life that was forced on them, and ultimately just prefer being at work 🤷 it’s prob easier for them to be at work than it is to be at home with their wives/kids (who may not have been wanted or expected). It just tracks. Boomers prefer working 60hr weeks because they’re unsatisfied with their lives outside. Thanks for reading!

Tl;dr — Boomers prefer working 60hr weeks because they’re unsatisfied with their lives outside.

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