
I think I made record for finding one of the worst places to work yesterday

they seemed so nice in the interview. It was blatant lies. “we don’t split tips” I have to give my tips to 8 people. “the servers make $300+” yeah, before splitting. after, on their busiest days they make less than $200. one coworker got $700 in tips and walked with less than $300. they also mandatory 15% gratuity on all tickets so they’re lying to customers about where their money goes too. the owner walks out with a bag of cash that he doesn’t take to the bank. he’s evading taxes too. They hired me because i’m pretty and they thought I was naïve. they’re just creepy, old men who talk about their sex lives to the women employees. they sexually harass the women and treat them like less than. god forbid they find out you’re gay, they’ll relentlessly ask why you like pu**y. the kitchen will hock loogies and…

they seemed so nice in the interview. It was blatant lies.
“we don’t split tips” I have to give my tips to 8 people.
“the servers make $300+” yeah, before splitting. after, on their busiest days they make less than $200. one coworker got $700 in tips and walked with less than $300. they also mandatory 15% gratuity on all tickets so they’re lying to customers about where their money goes too. the owner walks out with a bag of cash that he doesn’t take to the bank. he’s evading taxes too. They hired me because i’m pretty and they thought I was naïve. they’re just creepy, old men who talk about their sex lives to the women employees. they sexually harass the women and treat them like less than. god forbid they find out you’re gay, they’ll relentlessly ask why you like pu**y. the kitchen will hock loogies and snot rocket in the sinks where customers can hear. they wash their clothes in the sink. they wipe their faces on towels and then clean knifes with that same towel. they don’t wash their hands, don’t use gloves, dig for gold. they leave meat out overnight and serve it. when a customer complains about the food tasting off, they take it back, TASTE IT, and tell them it’s fine. and i’m talking seafood, y’all. they use old rice. they refuse to “waste” water or food. there’s roaches and traps. the owner smacked a roach and didn’t wash his hands. like it is downright, dirty nasty y’all. Now, I haven’t seen evidence for everything that I listed, it was from a coworker who didn’t seem to be lying, but I did see enough evidence to believe her and know that this place could and absolutely should be shut down immediately. I don’t think in good conscience continue working here but also like rent is due so i’m panicking

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