
I think I signed a deal with the devil

I just need to rant. I’ve been in my line of work for 7 years now, and I found myself wanting nothing more than to do the same work, remotely. I wanted to cut down on gas, commute and the overall irritation of completing your work early, and being forced to sit at the office the rest of the day watching that slow clock go by. I felt the best way to feel like I was being capitalism would be to land a remote job. Well, I found the same type of work, remote, and saw this in the job offer and STILL took it. I figured the same pay I made at my office job, plus the remote aspect would balance out the horrid no PTO. Have you guys seen this type of PTO offered? I don’t see how anybody can live off of this. I don’t have an…

I just need to rant.
I’ve been in my line of work for 7 years now, and I found myself wanting nothing more than to do the same work, remotely.
I wanted to cut down on gas, commute and the overall irritation of completing your work early, and being forced to sit at the office the rest of the day watching that slow clock go by. I felt the best way to feel like I was being capitalism would be to land a remote job.

Well, I found the same type of work, remote, and saw this in the job offer and STILL took it. I figured the same pay I made at my office job, plus the remote aspect would balance out the horrid no PTO.

Have you guys seen this type of PTO offered? I don’t see how anybody can live off of this. I don’t have an entry level job, either. I just hate feeling taken advantage of.

Now I’m facing 50+ hours a week due to being remote, sick time and doctors appointments not getting along, and my paycheck taking a massive hit when either my son or I get sick.

Although I love being remote, it’s absolutely not what I had thought it would be close to. I barely have time to get up from my desk and use the restroom. It feels like I’m trapped. I kind of miss being able to go take a lunch or leaving on time for work to separate that from home.

It’s making me wanna go back to my old job that would offer great PTO, great insurance, etc and suck it up commute wise again.

Fuckkkkk slaving ourselves for the system. I’ll do whatever it takes to pay my bills and I’ll quit complaining eventually but this is absolute garbage.

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