
I think I want to quit my new job

So pretty self explanatory but I'm thinking about quitting my new job. I have been unemployed due to a fire at my last job and finally got work as a plumbers apprentice for a company in my city. Good for me I was stoked to be working again. Until I actually started to work, the company feels so corporate, it is more of a sales position than an apprenticeship. And the prices they charge, I genuinely feel guilty and bad about the prices. The looks on peoples faces of shock and horror for a simple fix is so discouraging. 700 bucks to change a wax seal on a toilet, 875 for a faucet replacement, 600 bucks per pipe to auger them, 2000 bucks plus for a water heater install. We are encouraged to up-sell on 100$ per bottle drain cleaner (minimum 1 sold to every 5 households) and they want…

So pretty self explanatory but I'm thinking about quitting my new job. I have been unemployed due to a fire at my last job and finally got work as a plumbers apprentice for a company in my city. Good for me I was stoked to be working again.

Until I actually started to work, the company feels so corporate, it is more of a sales position than an apprenticeship. And the prices they charge, I genuinely feel guilty and bad about the prices. The looks on peoples faces of shock and horror for a simple fix is so discouraging. 700 bucks to change a wax seal on a toilet, 875 for a faucet replacement, 600 bucks per pipe to auger them, 2000 bucks plus for a water heater install. We are encouraged to up-sell on 100$ per bottle drain cleaner (minimum 1 sold to every 5 households) and they want the average service bill to be $800. They have a monthly service payment plan we are encouraged to push as well.

We also only serve residential houses, no commercial at all so the bill goes right to the home owner. I get that its a trade and its an expensive service but anytime I had called a plumber before it was never that expensive. Christ I was doing all of this work for myself at home for next to no money. Inflation is already sky-high, and it just feels wrong to be charging so much for the calls. We also don't do quotes over the phone for anything, we have to do a service call first so its 100 bucks to get us in the door and tell you how much the work will actually be then charge the amounts listed above. All the plumbers are paid hourly as well so the bulk of the cash just goes back to the company with no incentives for workers.

With the cost of life the way it is right now most people can't afford these insanely high bills. Most people will only call out of desperation and when its an emergency, it feels so predatory and like I'm taking advantage of others working there. I know other companies charge less for the same services, but its been insanely hard to find a job as of late. Im getting discouraged every single company trying to nickel and dime everyone to death. I just wish it was easier to get a job that actually made a difference and helped others instead of taking advantage of others misfortune. I think im quitting, I would be disappointed in myself if I stayed there even though I need the money. I feel ethically and morally bankrupt, to continue to exploit others for profit.

Thanks it, that's for letting me rant. I just wish the world was better

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