
I think its time to walk

My position is part time. I work in a small food related production facility. I started off really enjoying the position. It is fairly simple work nothing complicated. A great job for working while in school. I applied to this job making it clear that my hours may need to be adjusted because I'm enrolled in school as well. I started the job working through multiple various areas in the production. I was shown how to run and monitor some of the equipment, one of the roles with more responsibility. I took to it fairly quickly and kind of fell into that role. In addition I would complete most of the other tasks that were needed. Mind you, pretty much everyone except one individual usually rotates around doing everything. This individual, lets call him “Forrest”. Forrest only does one thing there and does not deveiate. At first I thought this…

My position is part time. I work in a small food related production facility. I started off really enjoying the position. It is fairly simple work nothing complicated. A great job for working while in school.

I applied to this job making it clear that my hours may need to be adjusted because I'm enrolled in school as well. I started the job working through multiple various areas in the production. I was shown how to run and monitor some of the equipment, one of the roles with more responsibility. I took to it fairly quickly and kind of fell into that role. In addition I would complete most of the other tasks that were needed. Mind you, pretty much everyone except one individual usually rotates around doing everything. This individual, lets call him “Forrest”. Forrest only does one thing there and does not deveiate. At first I thought this was just a coincidence. So I start asking coworkers why he is the only one that doesnt have to do everything else. They confirmed this is the case. It gets frustrating watching one person get preferential treatment.

So an example. There were about 4 employees are making boxes for the product, there Forrest is, just standing there watching us make boxes. There are multiple examples like this. Typically I mind my own business when it comes to working roles, but having someone stare at me while I work and they could easily lend a hand really drives me crazy. I brought it up to management and it gets brushed off. Fast forward a month or so, I started falling behind in school so I told managment I would be coming in less. The week after that it's like a switch flipped. Now I'm seem to be strictly tasked menial tasks, ultra repetative type work, also cleaning restrooms. I feel like this is retribution for either the comments about Forrest, reducing hours, or both. I am ready to walk.

AITA? Am I being petty? Am I being a whiner? I just wanted some input from some strangers that can offer some advice.

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