
I think my boss is a bully and he may have violated my privacy rights

I have been working at my current job, a commercial printing company, for a little over a year now. I never planned to make a career out of this place, but it pays the bills and isn’t the worst place to work. That is until these last few months that is. It started small, so small I didn’t think it would be the beginning of what’s to come. One of my supervisors, we’ll call him Buck, confronted me about a comment I made about the order of the things. I had quipped that one of our coworkers was in a different position because there was aspect of the other one he didn’t like and he was older. Should I have made this comment? Probably not, so whatever I brush it off. A little while later I have incident at work and I wasn’t allowed to drive home. My sister picked…

I have been working at my current job, a commercial printing company, for a little over a year now. I never planned to make a career out of this place, but it pays the bills and isn’t the worst place to work. That is until these last few months that is. It started small, so small I didn’t think it would be the beginning of what’s to come. One of my supervisors, we’ll call him Buck, confronted me about a comment I made about the order of the things. I had quipped that one of our coworkers was in a different position because there was aspect of the other one he didn’t like and he was older. Should I have made this comment? Probably not, so whatever I brush it off. A little while later I have incident at work and I wasn’t allowed to drive home. My sister picked me up and at first we tried a few emergency rooms, but they were slammed and she had to get back to work, plus I was certain the cause of the incident wasn’t as serious as they were treating it so agree to get up early and go to urgent care. While I’m being seen, Buck texts me asking if I’m coming to work and I try to explain this the earliest I could finally be seen. He proceeds to tell me this is unacceptable and is demanding constant updates. Fast forward, I’m back in my department and my other supervisor, we’ll call him Duster, gives us notebooks to jot down solutions and settings for the printing press since there are so many different variables at play. Fast forward again to the beginning of July, I had previously scheduled a doctors appointment for early enough in the morning that I should worst case scenario be a little late that day. Whoever took my appointment didn’t write it down and I was notified that even though it wasn’t my fault, the clinic I go to only had a slot available 30mins before I was supposed to go to work. I asked if there was a another opening to which she said they wouldn’t be able to get me in otherwise until September and I needed a checkup. I figured “well that sucks, now I’m probably going to have to miss the whole day”. Some context, I suffer from an autoimmune disorder and sometimes they have to do extensive testing such as blood work, x-rays, vision test, etc. I kept forgetting to mention to my supervisors about what happened, but still requested the day off with over 3 weeks notice. Buck proceeded to say” that’s gonna suck. We already have a guy scheduled for vacation that day” I tried to explain, but he cut me off saying it was last minute and irresponsible, even though we have an extra guy due to it getting slow again. By this point, I’m already looking for a new job, but was still looking for something that didn’t just pay better, but didn’t suck completely, so I’d been picky. The week of my doctor’s appointment, I randomly get pulled into Duster’s office. He proceeds to tell me he’s been asking my coworkers for feedback on my performance and judging by the grievances he brought up, I’d say half were one time occurrences and the other half were things I was already working on and a lot of them were from weeks if not months prior. In that time, he never approached me about these issues, he just manifested this negative image of me and wouldn’t even let me tell my side! He’d just talk over me and then he wrote me up. A day later and now both Buck and Duster pull me into Buck’s office where they then interrogated me about my appointment. They asked “why do you need all day? Who’s your doctor? What clinic are you going to? Well this place is just as close” Then just last Friday Duster threatened to fire me for not fully understanding a machine after only not even two weeks on it because I kept getting backed up even though my coworker even tried to say it wasn’t my fault we’re having issues today, which is more infuriating because other than that day I was keeping up and was able to fix most mechanical issues myself. Everyone around me is saying this behavior is at best inappropriate and at worst possibly illegal.

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