
I think my GM is lying about Sonic drive in policies. Any advice or suggestions apon confrontation?

So I've been working at Sonic for 1 while year, gotten really good at the job and enjoy doing my work. However, my GM has been telling me that meals are not free. No food is free. Even when I'm starving (because I've been down on my funds due to a really bad financial hole I'm in trying to dig myself out of. Successfully mind you.) and says that he does that because “it's in our policy to only give employees a 50% discount. I've blindly agreed until recently. I got into an argument with a 16 year old manager about how in AZ it's a law for minors working to be entitled to a break. (Because she denied a minor a break 5 hours in to his 7 hour shift.) And she got mad and said “I'm just doing my job!” And eventually after everyone was gathered around shaking…

So I've been working at Sonic for 1 while year, gotten really good at the job and enjoy doing my work. However, my GM has been telling me that meals are not free. No food is free. Even when I'm starving (because I've been down on my funds due to a really bad financial hole I'm in trying to dig myself out of. Successfully mind you.) and says that he does that because “it's in our policy to only give employees a 50% discount. I've blindly agreed until recently. I got into an argument with a 16 year old manager about how in AZ it's a law for minors working to be entitled to a break. (Because she denied a minor a break 5 hours in to his 7 hour shift.) And she got mad and said “I'm just doing my job!” And eventually after everyone was gathered around shaking their heads at her she then said “okay you can take a break in the back but you can't go outside.” Which correct me if I'm wrong, is a petty, and a super abuse of power. I then got written up 3 times by this girl. And had to talk with the GM about how I was insubordinate and rude, when I never yelled or cussed. I also got a drastic cut in hours due to it. I decided to bite the bullet and just push through the month (because he said my hours would only be cut for a month) and I end up seeing a manager tell a minor he couldn't go on break, then 20 mins later a 32 year old woman asked if she could smoke and they allowed it. I spoke up saying that isn't right. And now they cut my days down even more, and I found another job and am leaving but asked if I can use my raining sick time and the GM denied me saying he'll talk to me about it in person. I go in today. Plan to record our conversation in private and found out while skimming through a Sonic policy handbook that free meals are able to be recieved as long as it's an 8$ maximum. Any suggestions on what I should say? What I can't do here? Feels like I'm in high school again. Frustrated and fed up because I genuinely have cared about my job for the year I've worked there. And put in so much effort to be the best cook. Now I'm just getting spit on for what feels like a lack of good judgement.

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