
i think my job has a sexism problem and won’t address it

For context, I am a 28F in a purchasing divison and work with 2 males and my manager is a female. I have always noticed that the men I work with treat me like I don’t know what I’m doing and constantly question my judgement. I’ve had them try to teach me about laws that I am knowledgeable on and am required to know in my job. And I was the one who introduced them to the law as a way to explain why I have to process the project in a certain fashion. They have been making it very difficult for me to do my job because they are not trying to help me, but then complain when I take too long. A significant instance of what i interpret as sexism happened with my male coworker and manager. He had been telling a male project manager that it has…

For context, I am a 28F in a purchasing divison and work with 2 males and my manager is a female. I have always noticed that the men I work with treat me like I don’t know what I’m doing and constantly question my judgement. I’ve had them try to teach me about laws that I am knowledgeable on and am required to know in my job. And I was the one who introduced them to the law as a way to explain why I have to process the project in a certain fashion. They have been making it very difficult for me to do my job because they are not trying to help me, but then complain when I take too long.

A significant instance of what i interpret as sexism happened with my male coworker and manager. He had been telling a male project manager that it has to be done a certain way, or we may run into trouble with the law. The male project manager appeared to understand and tried to work with my male coworker to prevent this problem. When my male coworker ran into another problem, and the project manager wasn’t assisting, he asked my manager to step in. My manager is very upfront and factual in her responses. So when her and my coworker had a meeting with the project manager, and she was trying to assist and re-iterating what my coworker was saying. Apparently, she was “aggressive” and “rude” to the project manager, but my coworker said that she had no tone or any attitude during their conversation. This resulted in the male project manager filing a complaint against her from this incident.

I am at a loss on what to do. I always do my best to provide great customer service. My workplace isn’t trying to remedy this; in fact, they are saying it is my managers fault and she needs to be nicer. And that is coming from an HR female director.

Who knows if it’ll be better if I go to another place.

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