
I think my job tried to fire me today and backtracked lol

I work for a failing solar company as an Onboarding Specialist. We haven't met a sales goal at all this quarter the company has done some sad, questionable, and hilarious things in an effect to not go under. At one point, the CEO damn near begged all of us to go door and door and solicit to our neighbors. How fucking out of touch do you have to be to think that we all live in houses? They're solar panels. Not water coolers. They let a lot of people go. They even did this weird thing where they made everyone in the office evacuate so they could fire several staff members and clean out their desks with no one around at 9 am?? TOXIC. Anyways, I make $23/hour to come sit in a windowless room and meet with customers on Zoom all day. We're not allowed to work from home…

I work for a failing solar company as an Onboarding Specialist. We haven't met a sales goal at all this quarter the company has done some sad, questionable, and hilarious things in an effect to not go under.

At one point, the CEO damn near begged all of us to go door and door and solicit to our neighbors. How fucking out of touch do you have to be to think that we all live in houses? They're solar panels. Not water coolers.

They let a lot of people go. They even did this weird thing where they made everyone in the office evacuate so they could fire several staff members and clean out their desks with no one around at 9 am?? TOXIC.

Anyways, I make $23/hour to come sit in a windowless room and meet with customers on Zoom all day. We're not allowed to work from home without permission and that's only allowed twice per month. I was promised a $1 raise after 90 days and good reviews. I didn't get it in writing of course so when the sales goals didnt happen, they said “Thanks for getting us great reviews – no raises.”

I promptly started looking for another job because this pay is atrocious and I'm now paying bills out of my savings because my mediocre paycheck isn't cutting it. I took a pay cut to be here but I needed a job. Luckily, I found a job! Making way more and 100% remote.

I like my boss and I respect my team. So I put in my two weeks like a good noodle. That was last Monday. I decided to work from home today without asking because fuck it. I got up from my beauty sleep and tried to clock in – it wasn't working. Tried again. Nothing. This isnt the first time this has happened so I tried to clock in a 20th time with a note attached, that usually works. No dice.

I opened my email and saw a message from my boss thanking me for my time with the company and then Gmail refreshed and I was booted. I was also booted out of several other websites that I use everyday.

I texted my boss “Thanks for the kind words. I'm assuming that I am no longer needed since I've been locked out all accounts. I have 30 customer meetings scheduled over the next 3 days so someone will need to contact the customers.” He says no and that it was a mistake, it was supposed to be Friday and they weren't supposed to do it today.

Uh, ok lol

I was able to clock in 30 minutes late (no surprise and I will be clocking out 30 minutes late) but I'm still unable to get into my email and I will not be reaching out to them again about this. I was told IT would be fixing it but I went back to sleep. Several hours later and I still can't log in. Again, I will not be fighting them for this lol

I have 7 meetings this afternoon starting in 15 minutes and IDGAF.

I start my new job on Monday and I welcome this small unpaid vacation Financially, I'll be alright. Mentally, I am over the moon.

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