
I thought my manager actually cared

I just had a talk with my manager, he asked me if I was planning on staying at the company after my contract is up in a year. I've known that I wasn't going to stay for a while now, but never outright said it. I know how it goes, if the company knows you're leaving, they have no reason to pretend to care anymore and treat you like garbage. He said he needs to know so they can plan accordingly moving forward, the current plan was to start integrating me into the more advanced work processes, really getting me integrated in the company for long term. Of course, this wouldn't make much sense if I planned on leaving anyway. Now, this manager was actually really nice. He always seemed to care about the employees and stood up for them against the shitty upper management. I trusted him and didn't…

I just had a talk with my manager, he asked me if I was planning on staying at the company after my contract is up in a year. I've known that I wasn't going to stay for a while now, but never outright said it. I know how it goes, if the company knows you're leaving, they have no reason to pretend to care anymore and treat you like garbage.

He said he needs to know so they can plan accordingly moving forward, the current plan was to start integrating me into the more advanced work processes, really getting me integrated in the company for long term. Of course, this wouldn't make much sense if I planned on leaving anyway.

Now, this manager was actually really nice. He always seemed to care about the employees and stood up for them against the shitty upper management. I trusted him and didn't want to blindside him by lying about my plans. So I said yes, I'm planning on leaving.

He mentioned some possible consequences of this, most of which were expected and fine, but then he said I might have to change my supervisor to supervisor “A”. “A” is the most incompetent, annoying, life draining and soul sucking person I have ever met in my life. I am not kidding when I say EVERYBODY at this company HATES “A”, including my manager. I had worked/suffered under “A” for two years because the actual competent “B” was overcapped. Then the opportunity arose to switch to “B” and I took it at the speed of light. I was now officially being supervised by “B”. It was such a huge relief not having to work with “A” anymore, I already hate the job anyway and “A” made it way harder.

Now manager is telling me I might have to go back to “A”. Why? Well there's new employees joining and since they wanna give them a “good impression” they are going to have “B” supervise them. And since I guess I don't matter anymore, I can have “A”. I told him in more than one way that I was not okay with this, but he just sat there stone faced and said he would “take it into consideration”.

Upper management has already put me in countless shitty situations while I've been working there. They have literally reprimanded me for cutting my hair. Yes seriously, and it was a perfectly “normal” haircut and my hair has nothing to do with my job. The whole time I kept working hard and diligently. This is the final straw, I have zero respect left for this company. I'll be sure to be very honest with the new employees about how things work around here and the treatment they can expect from management.

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