
I told an employer why I didn’t want to work for them, they blew up at me

I recently got an opportunity that most people would fine great. A company approached me, I didn’t approach them. It didn’t excite me at all and after the preliminary interview I decided not to pursue it anymore and didn’t send in any of the documents they were asking for to continue the process. This was a couple of months ago. Fast forward to today and I get a call from the boss of the place that they noticed they didn’t have any of the materials for my profile and wanted to know why. I was shocked since I assumed that I was already eliminated based on my refusal to send the documents months ago and stops contacting the recruiter. I decided(stupidly) to call back the boss who called me since I wanted to do so in good faith and possibly remain on cordial terms. However I was apprehensive. He asked…

I recently got an opportunity that most people would fine great. A company approached me, I didn’t approach them. It didn’t excite me at all and after the preliminary interview I decided not to pursue it anymore and didn’t send in any of the documents they were asking for to continue the process. This was a couple of months ago.

Fast forward to today and I get a call from the boss of the place that they noticed they didn’t have any of the materials for my profile and wanted to know why. I was shocked since I assumed that I was already eliminated based on my refusal to send the documents months ago and stops contacting the recruiter.

I decided(stupidly) to call back the boss who called me since I wanted to do so in good faith and possibly remain on cordial terms. However I was apprehensive. He asked why I didn’t send in the materials and I told him my circumstances at the time did not allow me to submit by the deadline given, therefore I didn’t submit after the deadline either.

He kept insisting that “that can’t be all it was, what is it”, “was there something wrong with recruiting.” He kept being pushy and I told him the truth that I didn’t submit in time and I didn’t feel like the role was a good fit for me. I said I know that other candidates would be better for the position and I’m not familiar enough with their concept.

The boss told me it didn’t matter what I thought and that I was making up my “excuses” and that he wished my name never landed on his desk. He then proceeded to say I was a “wasted talent” and that I should be “begging for this opportunity”. After some more back and forth he said he’s putting me on a black list and no one will ever call me again for jobs in that sector. Then he listed all the affiliates he has and how I will never be able to work with any of them. Then he hung up.

Edit: thanks to people for the replies. I really appreciate everyone’s input. I am scared to say the company or the guys name since he seems to quick to snap and retaliate. I am considering filing a complaint but I am unsure if it’s worth it. As for my reason for turning down their offer, I truly didn’t feel like I fit the job at all and I did actually miss the deadline for applications. To those saying I should have declined more “formally and politely” if there’s no application to look at they shouldn’t even have been an offer or call, and it doesn’t excuse how this man talked down to me.

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