
I told my work I’m resigning soon and they’ve reduced my hours.

So, this a bit complicated. A bit of a rant more than anything. I've worked in disability support, as a contractor for a small family business for the last year. They are good people, care about their customers, which is why I've stayed for so long. So many disability companies are purely for profit. When I started, they verbally agreed to give me 20 hours a week. That was my condition for leaving my previous company for them. I did not ever get that, except for covering when people were away/sick- which was often at short notice. After a long time of trying to find a part time job/independent customers that would work around my ONE regular customer in this company, I decided I had to leave all together for a fulltime position elsewhere due to struggling financially. I do love the work and am sad to leave but I…

So, this a bit complicated. A bit of a rant more than anything.

I've worked in disability support, as a contractor for a small family business for the last year. They are good people, care about their customers, which is why I've stayed for so long. So many disability companies are purely for profit.

When I started, they verbally agreed to give me 20 hours a week. That was my condition for leaving my previous company for them. I did not ever get that, except for covering when people were away/sick- which was often at short notice.

After a long time of trying to find a part time job/independent customers that would work around my ONE regular customer in this company, I decided I had to leave all together for a fulltime position elsewhere due to struggling financially. I do love the work and am sad to leave but I need security. I've been paycheck to paycheck for two years, and moved back with parents.

I have a fulltime job lined up as soon as background checks clear. I was honest about this during a work meeting this week because, like I said; they're good people and I don't want to ghost and leave my customers without a support worker (because it's a small company). I also told my current job I don't know when I start the new job yet but that I will give two weeks notice (legally don't have to, as I'm a contractor with no resignation conditions).

Now this is where I'm peed off. The week before the meeting, the bosses asked me to take their children on as customers outside of the company, as an independent contractor temporarily until they find a worker/company they like. And even though I was only charging for one child, I was actually taking two. This was to be a regular thing. There was no support agreement/contract due to it being a favour to my bosses.

Now that I've told them I'm leaving, they told me they no longer need me to take their children. I asked if it was because I was leaving, and they said yes and that they'll take them themselves. I was under the impression that taking the children would be ongoing until they found a worker/company they like, but instead of using their child's funding and having me work with them until I leave, they've cleared their own schedules to take them to take the work from me.

And for context, I already knew the children and they knew me. It wasn't like I was a brand new person and then planned to dump them on someone else brand new and disrupt their routines.

Am I right to be peeved? What would you do? My background checks for the new job have cleared as of today and am just waiting for them to contact me now, which may be early next week.

Edit: typos.

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