
I took a new job and it’s already been a shit show

Lately I’ve been jumping from one bad work environment to another. Recently got hired for a really small co. Took it and a pay cut cause the last place I was working at was super sketchy and is probably going to get sued to oblivion. New co seemed straightforward and easy. Except I was hired during the busiest time of the year and i was completely on my own with only two days of training. And my job requires me to wear many hats. It’s like doing four little jobs but each one can overwhelm. It was stressful and exhausting. None of this was helped by the fact that my manager (who is a decent person who works hard) doesn’t explain things well. And then expects me to drop everything at the drop of a hat to help them with other responsibilities. Then they get irritated when I seemed overwhelmed…

Lately I’ve been jumping from one bad work environment to another.

Recently got hired for a really small co. Took it and a pay cut cause the last place I was working at was super sketchy and is probably going to get sued to oblivion.

New co seemed straightforward and easy. Except I was hired during the busiest time of the year and i was completely on my own with only two days of training. And my job requires me to wear many hats. It’s like doing four little jobs but each one can overwhelm.

It was stressful and exhausting. None of this was helped by the fact that my manager (who is a decent person who works hard) doesn’t explain things well. And then expects me to drop everything at the drop of a hat to help them with other responsibilities. Then they get irritated when I seemed overwhelmed cause I can’t read his mind and I’m trying to do everything else. And then has the audacity to lecture me about multitasking.

Things have slowed down thankfully and I have a coworker now but I need to train them after two-three weeks of working. I definitely don’t feel like I was properly trained to handle this work at all. What’s super frustrating is that they still aren’t fully onboarded and I gotta help them with basic shit.

I’m not looking for advice on what to do. Can’t afford to quit sadly. Just needed to vent. Probably will delete this later. Thank for reading.

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