
I took a stand at work today.

My work asks the cashiers to stock when they aren't helping a customer and today I refused to do so until I saw it in my official job description and list of duties which they couldn't verify it was in there. Once I get it I will have either won or lost this battle. If it is in my list of duties then there's nothing I can do. If it isn't then they can kiss my a. I brought up the argument that I don't want to do work for my pay when others do it for more pay. My boss's reasoning was that the stockers do a lot more than stock shelves. Unfortunately for her, she seems to have forgotten that I started as a stocker in the first place and had to change to cashier because of an ankle surgery (doctor's note didn't do s* for me. Still…

My work asks the cashiers to stock when they aren't helping a customer and today I refused to do so until I saw it in my official job description and list of duties which they couldn't verify it was in there. Once I get it I will have either won or lost this battle. If it is in my list of duties then there's nothing I can do. If it isn't then they can kiss my a. I brought up the argument that I don't want to do work for my pay when others do it for more pay. My boss's reasoning was that the stockers do a lot more than stock shelves. Unfortunately for her, she seems to have forgotten that I started as a stocker in the first place and had to change to cashier because of an ankle surgery (doctor's note didn't do s* for me. Still wasn't allowed to sit). So I know what stockers do. Literally all they do, is stock, and take out garbage. That's it. That's all the extra work that she said they deserve a higher pay for. Taking out the garbage. The walking all day thing is why I understand a higher pay is earned. I credit them for that. So anyway, we'll see how it goes.

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