
I walked off a job site yesterday and resigned on day 2

This is long and I'm not gonna tl;dr. I just want to tell my story. You've been warned. I'm an ex traffic control technician. Not just a flagger. I drew plans, pulled permits, ordered equipment, set up work zones, communicated directly with clients. Hell, I made our own road signs in house. I did this for 3 years. Not a seasoned vet by any means but I know what the fuck I'm doing. So I recently moved across the country and went looking for a job as a technician. Turns out you need certification in this state that wasn't required in my old one. I figure, no big deal, I'll go work as a flagger for a little bit until I can get my cert and aim a bit higher. Oh boy was this not the play. The social environment and relationships between work crews and traffic control is way…

This is long and I'm not gonna tl;dr. I just want to tell my story. You've been warned.

I'm an ex traffic control technician. Not just a flagger. I drew plans, pulled permits, ordered equipment, set up work zones, communicated directly with clients. Hell, I made our own road signs in house. I did this for 3 years. Not a seasoned vet by any means but I know what the fuck I'm doing.

So I recently moved across the country and went looking for a job as a technician. Turns out you need certification in this state that wasn't required in my old one. I figure, no big deal, I'll go work as a flagger for a little bit until I can get my cert and aim a bit higher.

Oh boy was this not the play.

The social environment and relationships between work crews and traffic control is way different here. Where I came from, my job was respected because I got shit done for these crews and ensured their safety in the process. Here? Well you are just a flagging bitchboy and the actual setting up of work zones is handled by a third party traffic control technician who is going to speak to you like a dog. Even the flaggers I worked with were short with each other, shit talking newbies behind their backs while deliberately setting them up for failure. Fucking NO. Human error in my field leads to death. Fucking twisted steel and raging inferno death. There is no excuse not to set your fellow flaggers up for the utmost success.

Here are just a few notable instances from my short time employed…

The technician “in charge” of us pointed and snapped at me saying “You. Side road. Now.” Hold the fucking phone. Use complete sentences when you're asking me to do something. Hell I would have taken “I need you on the side road.” It didn't even have to be a question, and certainly not with a please, but don't snap and bark at me.

This same technician snatched the radio off my hi vis vest to chastise someone else on the channel.

I was told to “stop doing that stupid voice, it's distracting” when I am, in fact, speaking in my normal voice. I have a southern accent. Holy shit. Imagine someone moving 1600 miles away and sounding a bit different.

I was nicknamed Prissy by a coworker, when I told him immediately “Do not call me names.” He went on to say “Aww, she's sensitive.” I'm nonbinary, but very clearly presenting as male. Assigned male at birth. Big bushy beard. I don't have to explain why this was offensive.

Another coworker taking a two hour break when, in fact, we were supposed to rotate in 30 minute bursts. The reasoning was that since I'm a greenhorn I need the practice. Like mother fucker I am over qualified for this job. I'm more knowledgeable than you. I'm better than you. I'm willing to pass off some tips to ease your own stress levels when you flag. But you wouldn't know that without asking. Eat a dick.

Another new person, kid is maybe 19, first day on the job, getting screamed at and cursed out for not being clear on where to go or what was needed of him at that time.

I called my ex boss to let them know I would be resigning at the end of my shift, thanked them for the opportunity, and wished them well. When they asked me why, I cited my displeasure with the social environment of the field and how her clients interact with her team. Her response? “Well flagging isn't for everyone. Some people just aren't cut out for it.” Oh, this was the straw. I see. So this problem I noticed goes all the way up. It's crazy that she took that from what I stated, knowing I had 3 years of experience and hiring me on the spot for it, now coming around to imply that I'm not cut out for the work when, in fact, I am not willing to be abused while I do the work I love.

The only thing that would have kept me from leaving at that point would be if there was no one else to direct and protect, but oh boy, Mr. You Need The Practice sure looks like he's refreshed and feeling foggy after his two hours of fucking off.

I got in my car, said deuces, and drove off. Since then I've been in full shutdown (I'm autistic), I haven't eaten in 2 days. I'm struggling to find self worth to even take care of myself. I'll come out of this and find something better, but heck I just needed to get this out.

To address two of the questions/comments/suggestions I see frequently here:
-HR is one person who does HR and “wears many different hats”
-I am not interested in a harassment lawsuit for 2 days of work. I spent 5 years in litigation over a stolen wages suit my lawyers agreed to represent me in pro bono. Even having my counsel handle everything, even not having to pay them directly, put an immense amount of stress on me that I am simply not willing to endure even a fraction of for this worthless job.

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