
I wanna get fired sooo baaaad rn

You can look at my posts from here on my page I’ve been in this stupid job for a month next week. Told me it was an office assistant and now I’m doing full on property management. The saga continues. The backhanded comments I get from the popcorn fart lady that works 4 ft away from me sucks peen. I asked her about something today when I’m putting in quickbooks info and she’s like “what do YOU think it is” idfk maybe that’s why I’m asking you. And I would understand why she’d say that if the question I was asking was something I work on every day but it’s not. Also she makes comments about EVERY SINGLE TENANT. Their appearance, we see their bank info so she’ll comment on their financial status and make fun of them, calls people idiots on a regular basis, makes fun of their cleanliness/living…

You can look at my posts from here on my page I’ve been in this stupid job for a month next week. Told me it was an office assistant and now I’m doing full on property management.

The saga continues. The backhanded comments I get from the popcorn fart lady that works 4 ft away from me sucks peen. I asked her about something today when I’m putting in quickbooks info and she’s like “what do YOU think it is” idfk maybe that’s why I’m asking you. And I would understand why she’d say that if the question I was asking was something I work on every day but it’s not. Also she makes comments about EVERY SINGLE TENANT. Their appearance, we see their bank info so she’ll comment on their financial status and make fun of them, calls people idiots on a regular basis, makes fun of their cleanliness/living situation. Acts like she’s better than everyone. H8 her.

On to the property management. Kinda hard to just get dropped right into it with no experience EVER. Keeping track of and editing/renewing leases, showing off apartments and listing them. Also hard to do when the information isn’t readily available and I have to scour my computer an iPads notes and physical paper work just to figure it out. I get a “you need to keep track of these things” from my boss every damn day. Also idk what the average is for a property manager or property manager in training but I make $17/hr.

God I wish I was balsy enough to just suck at all this so I could get fired on performance alone. I can’t stand these people and what they put other people through.

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