
I wanna know if this situation is worth going to the boss about.

I was upstairs in the building, I’m a cleaner and I did all my main stuff for the morning that I’m supposed to do. Keep in mind that we’re not allowed to use our phones on shift, my (bitch) supervisor keeps saying that but uses her phone for Facebook. Anyway, my other co-worker came upstairs, let’s call her Mary. Mary had an appointment the other day and I went in to ask her how it went. No harm done. After about five-seven minutes, the (bitch) supervisor walks in, and kinda raises her arms in a questioning motion then slaps them against her sides. She says “So you’re not gonna do the floors?” I legit had no idea what she was talking about. We normally do the floors once a week from what I see unless there’s salt tracks from boots. Upstairs was pretty good and I had already done the…

I was upstairs in the building, I’m a cleaner and I did all my main stuff for the morning that I’m supposed to do. Keep in mind that we’re not allowed to use our phones on shift, my (bitch) supervisor keeps saying that but uses her phone for Facebook.

Anyway, my other co-worker came upstairs, let’s call her Mary. Mary had an appointment the other day and I went in to ask her how it went. No harm done. After about five-seven minutes, the (bitch) supervisor walks in, and kinda raises her arms in a questioning motion then slaps them against her sides.

She says “So you’re not gonna do the floors?” I legit had no idea what she was talking about. We normally do the floors once a week from what I see unless there’s salt tracks from boots. Upstairs was pretty good and I had already done the floors the other day.

Before I could say anything she asked another question “You didn’t answer my text.” She sounded really annoyed. She was always on my back about every little thing. It was only me she did this to.

I told her “I don’t answer texts.” Because she doesn’t want us on our phones. Then she raises her voice at me. “Then what are you still doing here? I’m the supervisor and you have to text me back!”

I was getting mixed signals because she does not want us using our phones but gets mad that I didn’t text her back. Anyway, I was wondering if that is something I should go to the boss about? It’s extremely rude and unprofessional.

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