
I want to ghost my job, should i?

I work for a popular massage store chain. The 3 locations are franchises and the owners are horribly greedy people who don’t give a rats ass about their employees. They consistently overwork us with 8-10 hour days, 9 days straight, sorting thru massive amounts of paperwork, cold callimg people and expect us to cram an entire life into 12 hours (sleep, eat, basic life shit). I’ve been working 8:30 6:30 and waking up at 6am to get back to work by 8:30am. That means in order to get a decent nights sleep i basically need to be in bed by 10. They’re scheduling me at the location that’s over an HOURS drive away, the one location I said when i got hired, I was not willing to work because its way too far and at $13 measly dollars an hour, i just can’t afford the gas to get up there…

I work for a popular massage store chain. The 3 locations are franchises and the owners are horribly greedy people who don’t give a rats ass about their employees. They consistently overwork us with 8-10 hour days, 9 days straight, sorting thru massive amounts of paperwork, cold callimg people and expect us to cram an entire life into 12 hours (sleep, eat, basic life shit). I’ve been working 8:30 6:30 and waking up at 6am to get back to work by 8:30am. That means in order to get a decent nights sleep i basically need to be in bed by 10. They’re scheduling me at the location that’s over an HOURS drive away, the one location I said when i got hired, I was not willing to work because its way too far and at $13 measly dollars an hour, i just can’t afford the gas to get up there and back. They said that was fine, they would keep me at the two locations close to me. I’m exhausted, running on pure caffine and barely exsisting. I haven’t spent quality time with my spouse in ages because im either working or sleeping just to feel human and my relationship is quickly going down the shitter because of this job. I ask for time off and its “well we just don’t have staff to cover you.” I barely see my kids because im working when they go to sleep and at work when they wake up. My husband is stretched thin, handling 95% of everything. And don’t even get me started on the stress levels and anxiety this job gives me. I have to sell memberships as part of the job and god forbid we don’t shive it down people’s throats and respect their basic boundaries when they say no the first time. The owners are breathing down our necks because “numbers aren’t good.” No shit numbers aren’t good. People can’t afford luxuries anymore, no one is willing to shell out $80 a month for a shit massage thats more of an lotion rub down and its summertime. People have kids at home to feed and groceries are expensive when they can’t rely on their public schools to cover breakfast and lunch. However my job is dependent on memberships and the constant stress of getting fired for not hassling people into memberships is stressful. I’m highly considering just changing my phone number, and not showing up tomorrow and ghosting all together. I always give my parents addresses at jobs because i don’t think they have the right to know where im living so im not worried about them finding me. I already have some interviews lined up and they seem promising. Should I just call it on this job or try to tough it out until i have a better job lined up?

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