
I want to leave my job. unethical environment and feel worthless for not being american

I work at an American company that claims to be ~~ decentralized ~~. I work with marketing-related stuff and am based in Latin America. they pay me 1000 USD/month for a ''contractor'' full-time position, but with no benefits, all remote. They recently hired someone with less experience than me to be my boss and paid her 10x more than they paid me, just for not being in the USA. It is a start-up with around 12 people working at it, I'm the only person that is not hired. I'm also the only person outside ''first-world'' countries. they just hired another contractor, also from Latam, who also has a bad salary. Last year they all went offsite and I was the ONLY PERSON on the team who didn't go. because it was only for people who were actual employees. ​ I worked there for a year and only got one raise…

I work at an American company that claims to be ~~ decentralized ~~.

I work with marketing-related stuff and am based in Latin America. they pay me 1000 USD/month for a ''contractor'' full-time position, but with no benefits, all remote. They recently hired someone with less experience than me to be my boss and paid her 10x more than they paid me, just for not being in the USA. It is a start-up with around 12 people working at it, I'm the only person that is not hired. I'm also the only person outside ''first-world'' countries. they just hired another contractor, also from Latam, who also has a bad salary.

Last year they all went offsite and I was the ONLY PERSON on the team who didn't go. because it was only for people who were actual employees.

I worked there for a year and only got one raise (I had a 400 USD salary before but asked to expand my tasks to make more).

I came to the USA for a series of events I wanted to attend with the company and they didn't pay for the trip even though it was work-related, my boss didn't even have lunch with me.

Back in Latam I didn't realize how bad my salary was, but now that I am here I am realizing how unfair it is to make 1k/month for a full-time position, I make less than my friends who work at bodegas or places that u would expect to pay less.

I also feel worthless working there, knowing I am the person who gets the smallest salary and being one of the ones who work more. I didn't get vacations last year and my boss said he “forgot to tell me I could take time off and thought I didn't want to“. I have a disease and I cant get insurance. My work computer broke and they didn't wanted to help me getting a new one. They helped with 200 USD and made me feel bad for asking for more. 🙁

I want to quit, I have another job that pays better and I believe that I can get another good job with my experience. I'll have a meeting with my boss to talk about these feelings…if he doesn't say anything like “you're right we'll give you a raise:-)“ that will be my last day at the company.

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