
I want to quit so fucking badly because I dislike my new boss and my pay has been the same for two years.

I want to quit my job on the spot because my new boss sucks and after two years, my pay is the same. Basically the title. I have been at this tech company for two years on the HR team. Within my first year, I took over leave administration globally, open enrollment, and all client relations, and then some. I am good at my job, but don’t work longer hours than I need to unless it’s a busier time of year. We were acquired earlier this year and went through a reduction in force. The acquisition pushed back performance reviews and comp increases. Until last month. That’s when several people on my team, including one person who started at the same time as me, received raises retroing back about 6 months. Meanwhile, I was moved to a new team where I kept my old responsibilities and took on new ones.…

I want to quit my job on the spot because my new boss sucks and after two years, my pay is the same.

Basically the title.

I have been at this tech company for two years on the HR team. Within my first year, I took over leave administration globally, open enrollment, and all client relations, and then some. I am good at my job, but don’t work longer hours than I need to unless it’s a busier time of year.

We were acquired earlier this year and went through a reduction in force. The acquisition pushed back performance reviews and comp increases. Until last month. That’s when several people on my team, including one person who started at the same time as me, received raises retroing back about 6 months.

Meanwhile, I was moved to a new team where I kept my old responsibilities and took on new ones. No raise in sight. Last week, the person who my boss reports to told me I can expect a raise in FY2025. She slipped this into one quick comment after kissing my ass about my strengths and making sure “I’m doing what I love.” The queen of tech bullshit.

Meanwhile, my new boss is so condescending and seems to always try to catch me off guard. Whether she sets time up on my calendar on the spot, or I’ll receive a calendar invite from her for the following morning when we already have a 1:1 scheduled the same week. I’m tempted to respond no.

I’m even more tempted to put in my two weeks. Let them flail without me during open enrollment. But I know I need to line a job up first. I guess I’m looking for advice on where to start. My resume is updated. I’ve already started applying to new tech companies today. Any tips on standing out helps. Honestly, even some validation without advice helps, too. This whole thing has made me feel inadequate, and I needed to just get this off my chest.

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