
I want to start a commune, does anyone know where I should start?

So sick of workplaces treating people in such an inhumane fashion, even when you get to higher paid roles. I think life could be so much better so I have finally decided to become serious about creating or helping to create my own community. I use the word “commune” loosely, but basically what I'm thinking of beginning to research and save up money for is to buy land, create “tiny homes” of some sort on it, and develop a mostly (or hopefully entirely) inwardly sustainable agricultural/farming system which may or may not be off the grid. I wouldn't want everything to be rigidly shared, people would still own their houses but over all the system would be designed so that if you just wanted to get away from the world you could help with any of the many duties involved in farming. There would also be a lot of hand…

So sick of workplaces treating people in such an inhumane fashion, even when you get to higher paid roles. I think life could be so much better so I have finally decided to become serious about creating or helping to create my own community.

I use the word “commune” loosely, but basically what I'm thinking of beginning to research and save up money for is to buy land, create “tiny homes” of some sort on it, and develop a mostly (or hopefully entirely) inwardly sustainable agricultural/farming system which may or may not be off the grid.

I wouldn't want everything to be rigidly shared, people would still own their houses but over all the system would be designed so that if you just wanted to get away from the world you could help with any of the many duties involved in farming. There would also be a lot of hand made things and there would mostly be a system of bartering in place if you wanted stuff. People would be free to have a job outside of it.

These are all just sort of hazy ideas but I've officially decided I want to seriously start trying to create this. I came across this reddit and thought that surely people here have had similar ideas and that maybe they would know of good resources or places to start.

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