
I Want To Work, Not Die, A-Holes

I spent almost 20 years in the commercial construction industry before having major health issues just before the pandemic. As a result, I applied for, and received permanent disability. However, I enjoyed what I did and Let’s face it, it pays a hell of a lot more than disability. So, as a result, I decided that I would try to return to work within the industry in some capacity. I have all that experience, and lot to offer. Even in my diminished capacity, I’m capable of more than some of the people I encountered over the years in the business. However, without getting into detail, there are some hard lines that I cannot safely flirt with crossing. As a result, those conditions are non-starters if they cannot be met. So I interviewed a couple of companies and laid all of that out. Both of them were receptive and said that…

I spent almost 20 years in the commercial construction industry before having major health issues just before the pandemic. As a result, I applied for, and received permanent disability. However, I enjoyed what I did and Let’s face it, it pays a hell of a lot more than disability. So, as a result, I decided that I would try to return to work within the industry in some capacity. I have all that experience, and lot to offer. Even in my diminished capacity, I’m capable of more than some of the people I encountered over the years in the business. However, without getting into detail, there are some hard lines that I cannot safely flirt with crossing. As a result, those conditions are non-starters if they cannot be met.

So I interviewed a couple of companies and laid all of that out. Both of them were receptive and said that given what I could bring to the table, they would be more than happy to have me. They wanted me for my experience, leadership, and organizational skills, etc in whatever capacity I could provide them. Understanding that I would be doing less than I had previously done, I adjusted my expectations for compensation accordingly. I was offered jobs at both places and accepted the better offer. I adjusted my expectations for compensation accordingly.

It was barely 2 weeks in before they began testing the boundaries. Small things at first. Totally up to me, they said. They knew that this wasn’t part of our agreement, they said, but they were just in a tight spot, and it wouldn’t become a habit. Being happy to be back and doing what I loved again, I foolishly accommodated them the first couple of times. After that, I realized that this was a slippery slope, and started refusing, reminding them that what they were asking was not what we had agreed to. Of course, this was met with passive aggression at first, followed by offers to increase my compensation In accordance with these new expectations. I told them it’s not about the money, as I had laid out in our series of interviews. This is about my health, safety, and the safety of everyone else I’m working with, and in seeing no way this was going to ever work out, I told him thanks for the offer, but I need to do what’s best for me and my family. I walked out.

I contacted the other company thar had offered me a job and told them what happened. They told me how they completely understood, how messed up that was of the other company, and assured me that’s not how they run their business. So I took the job there, and they were true to their word. Things were just as we agreed they would be. For about a month and a half. Then the same shit, except they made it all about how nobody wanted to work and the government sucked. Like I was supposed to take their lack of integrity as some ideological call-to-arms.

The stupid bastards just assumed that, given the Industry, that I aligned with them politically and ideologically, which I don’t, and that I was going to risk further health problems, or even death to own the Libs somehow, (make them more money). I noped out of that bullshit, got back on disability, and I’m now content to just exist and patiently explore other ways to find fulfillment. I have simplified my life and needs, so while more money would always be nice, I am fortunate enough not to be forced to accept an underpaying, exploitative, thankless job like so many good people.

Because I do understand that I’m lucky in that sense, and I do tend to get antsy if I don’t feel productive, I’ve taken up volunteering a couple of times a week. It feels so much better to dedicate my time and effort to the people than to The Man. Thanks for reading and always remember, Illegitimi Non Carborundum.

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