
I wanted to use my last few weeks to help the hire but management had other ideas.

I recently left my job, but I wanted to leave in good faith. They recently hired someone who'd be working along side me, and their start date just happened to be the start date I got for my new job. I pushed my new start back 3 weeks inorder to train up the new starter. I told my boss when I handed in my resignation that I have pushed back my last day to help the team out. I came up with a training plan and wrote a 30 page handover. (I had started that role with nothing and had to figure it all out on the job). I spent the first week following my plan and teaching the replacement how to do my job. But during the second week, my senior supervisor comes and asks me to all these extra tasks. Data collection that literally anyone else in the…

I recently left my job, but I wanted to leave in good faith. They recently hired someone who'd be working along side me, and their start date just happened to be the start date I got for my new job. I pushed my new start back 3 weeks inorder to train up the new starter. I told my boss when I handed in my resignation that I have pushed back my last day to help the team out. I came up with a training plan and wrote a 30 page handover. (I had started that role with nothing and had to figure it all out on the job).

I spent the first week following my plan and teaching the replacement how to do my job. But during the second week, my senior supervisor comes and asks me to all these extra tasks. Data collection that literally anyone else in the team could do, organising contracts due long past my final day, tasks with the new hire that she ALREADY knew how to do. And when I would spend time training up my replacement, I got told to spend more time on the data tasks. When I worked on the data tasks, I got told it was more important to do the training.

And the kicker? My last day was 18th and I was told to get work in by the 20th. Umm? What?

I wanted to leave in good faith because I loved the team and knew my departure would see gaps in the workload. I did not extend my time with them to do busywork.

Never again will I do that. Management doesn't care about you as a person. They care about you as an output. No more good faith for me.

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