
“I was at lunch” “Just make sure to get the carts in”

That's a snippet of an ACTUAL conversation I've had with my boss yesterday. So, for context, I work in the parking lot of a Lowe's. Everything was fine, I go to lunch. Sometime during my lunch, they call a cart run. I get back as they're finishing the cart run. So im standing outside, looking over the situation, when my boss comes up and this conversation happens: Boss: “Make sure we're bringing in the carts, ok?” Me: 'I was at lunch' Boss: “im just telling you, make sure to bring in the carts.” Me: 'And im telling you, I WAS AT LUNCH' Boss: “don't go there” before walking away. I just stood there for a bit, thinking 'you DROVE us 'there'. You could've just kept walking, everything would've been fine. But you had to stop and open your mouth. I put in my notice, I don't care anymore. What's stopping…

That's a snippet of an ACTUAL conversation I've had with my boss yesterday.

So, for context, I work in the parking lot of a Lowe's. Everything was fine, I go to lunch. Sometime during my lunch, they call a cart run. I get back as they're finishing the cart run. So im standing outside, looking over the situation, when my boss comes up and this conversation happens:

Boss: “Make sure we're bringing in the carts, ok?”

Me: 'I was at lunch'

Boss: “im just telling you, make sure to bring in the carts.”

Me: 'And im telling you, I WAS AT LUNCH'

Boss: “don't go there” before walking away.

I just stood there for a bit, thinking 'you DROVE us 'there'. You could've just kept walking, everything would've been fine. But you had to stop and open your mouth. I put in my notice, I don't care anymore. What's stopping me from laying my uniform on this cart nearby and just leaving?'

I didn't leave, but I did tell a few other coworkers about this little exchange and they were all on my side. So is company policy, my personal code, and the actual law. (Referring to the 'no working off the clock' thing)

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