
I was basically asked to quit

I thought I had a great boss and was asked to move to full time 2 months ago when my coworker stepped down, which has been my goal for 2 years at this company and I was so excited. This included taking on 15 new clients, 13 of which were individuals instead of groups which requires A LOT more preparation. I have to drive out to my clients and get paid drive time, but no gas mileage reimbursement. Kinda sucky, but wasn't too bad when I was only driving less than 30 minute distances, and twice a month 45 minutes. Now my distances are 45 min – 1 hour long distances one way multiple times a week, and once a month I have to do a 4 hour round trip to see one client. It's tripled my gas bill. I approached my boss and said I needed a raise, mileage…

I thought I had a great boss and was asked to move to full time 2 months ago when my coworker stepped down, which has been my goal for 2 years at this company and I was so excited. This included taking on 15 new clients, 13 of which were individuals instead of groups which requires A LOT more preparation.

I have to drive out to my clients and get paid drive time, but no gas mileage reimbursement. Kinda sucky, but wasn't too bad when I was only driving less than 30 minute distances, and twice a month 45 minutes. Now my distances are 45 min – 1 hour long distances one way multiple times a week, and once a month I have to do a 4 hour round trip to see one client. It's tripled my gas bill.

I approached my boss and said I needed a raise, mileage reimbursement, or a driving reduction in order to continue. I said I was making less than home pay then I was splitting between 2 part time jobs. She said no to all of that because the company can't afford it, but said that no one should have to pay for their job and to let her get back to me while she figures something out.

Well 2 days later she suddenly starts attacking my performance. Saying I spent a lot of time preparing and documenting, that I should be able to get X done in X amount of time. Not acknowledging that there was an incident report every single week (not normal) and I saw some traumatic shit while I was out on the job. Or the fact that this was a big transition. So no I wasn't as productive as normal, and I fell behind on social media duties (wants me to get 2 posts a week out on 3 social media accounts, when social media is not related to my field at all and I've struggled quite a bit with that before the transition 🥴).

She said if my mental health is that effected then she would miss me but understand if this position isn't a good fit anymore. I was just heart broken, I loved this job and put so much into it.

Is it just me, or does it seem like the “get x amount done in x amount of time” is a really ableist mindset? My boss is a very high achieving individual, and I am likely undiagnosed with ADHD – I can do good work, but I feel like it takes me longer than others to finish things.

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