
I was effectively fired on my first day back after having surgery because I took too much “sick leave”.

I have been working in a hospital for almost 1 year. For the first four months I never had a day off but around April I started having health issues. I started having to call out sick because I was too unwell to get out of bed some days and had numerous appointments with doctors, specialists, trips to the ER etc. Work is aware of my health issues and that I was seeking help to resolve them. I finally had the surgery I needed about a week and a half ago to fix the problem. I came back to work today and was immediately asked to see my boss. She told me that because of my sick leave (unpaid by the way) that she was changing me to “call in” only and basically implied that they wouldn’t be calling me in. No one in my department was told about this.…

I have been working in a hospital for almost 1 year. For the first four months I never had a day off but around April I started having health issues. I started having to call out sick because I was too unwell to get out of bed some days and had numerous appointments with doctors, specialists, trips to the ER etc. Work is aware of my health issues and that I was seeking help to resolve them. I finally had the surgery I needed about a week and a half ago to fix the problem. I came back to work today and was immediately asked to see my boss. She told me that because of my sick leave (unpaid by the way) that she was changing me to “call in” only and basically implied that they wouldn’t be calling me in. No one in my department was told about this. I had to tell my supervisor who said she would be calling me in every day if she could because they need me there. The only people who know how to work the department are my supervisor, myself and one other person who we only just trained (because we need a third person to be able to run the department). Both of them have leave scheduled for next week too so I am tempted to just quit and leave my boss to work out how they are going to run an entire department of the hospital with no admin staff.

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