
I was fired after texting into the group chat of how my manager just called me and said some demeaning stuff of my character and work ethic to me

So, for the past few weeks I have been trying to get a shift changed, so that I don’t end up working until 12midnight, then driving into office for an hour and half to make it in for a 8am shift. I have repeatedly asked my manager about changing this, and he said he’s fine with it if I could get someone else to cover for me… well I asked everyone besides just one co worker to get this changed and they all wouldn’t do it. So I asked my manager about getting this changed for about the 3-4th time as it’s not working well for me…. He then called me and he clearly was already upset, said I’m unreasonable, I make ridiculous requests, and I’m irresponsible… I truly tried to stay calm on this call… I don’t think I said anything wrong on that call, but I did try…

So, for the past few weeks I have been trying to get a shift changed, so that I don’t end up working until 12midnight, then driving into office for an hour and half to make it in for a 8am shift.

I have repeatedly asked my manager about changing this, and he said he’s fine with it if I could get someone else to cover for me… well I asked everyone besides just one co worker to get this changed and they all wouldn’t do it.

So I asked my manager about getting this changed for about the 3-4th time as it’s not working well for me…. He then called me and he clearly was already upset, said I’m unreasonable, I make ridiculous requests, and I’m irresponsible… I truly tried to stay calm on this call… I don’t think I said anything wrong on that call, but I did try to defend myself on these claims he was making, as I don’t believe they were warranted as I think I’ve actually been a more than decent employee. u could definitely hear my voice trembling on this call though… it truly was hurtful to hear those things.

he asked me why he thought that he could get this changed for me… I said because you are the manager. Basically the call was him continually telling me awful things and not giving me any chance to talk or defend myself. I ended up saying “ I cannot listen to this anymore, I need to hang up”

I proceeded to then text into the group chat stating I was taken a mental health day after that call, and that I don’t deserve to be talked or treated like that, or anyone.

I go home and HR contacts me and says I’ve been terminated for my actions today.

I’m a at Will employee, so I understand I don’t have much to go after the company for besides the OT hours they refused to pay me, even after promising us we’d get it. I am not exempt from this OT at all I already confirmed this…. They tried to tell me multiple times cause I’m on salary I’m not entitled to it. I do daily tasks and take calls, or anything I am asked to do… I am entitled to any OT pay that exceeds 40 hrs worked in a week

My manager and I also have had a history, we worked for another company in the past, where he and other co workers participated in bullying, sexually, and verbally abusing me. I have evidence of him sexually harassing me from this current job too, but I never pursued anything with this ever. He was the one who offered me this job…

Anything I can do about this? I’m just emotionally disturbed from all that’s happened, I’m having flashbacks to when I was once severely depressed, and I’m going back to see a therapist because of this. I honestly just feel so traumatized, I was telling my family and friends I’d never work anywhere again after being treated like that… I feel a bit better about my situation now though and realized that it was just a toxic work environment and its most likely going to be so much better for me and my own self integrity now that I’m gone.

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