
I was getting harassed by the tech guy.

Okay. Honestly, I just have to blow off steam. I am so bothered by this even though I have since left the job and I will never see these people again. I am 28f and I worked at a small business for 3 years. After about 2 and a half years, the tech guy that still works there started having lunch with me. It was every other day at first, which I didn't mind. I know that he has been an out cast his entire life and that he was lonely. Every other day turned into EVERY SINGLE DAY. Again, at first it was okay but I did start to get annoyed. Sometimes I just want to sit in silence on my lunch. Especially on our busiest days. I would eat out a couple of times a week just to avoid him. Then he was gone for 3 weeks. He…

Okay. Honestly, I just have to blow off steam. I am so bothered by this even though I have since left the job and I will never see these people again.

I am 28f and I worked at a small business for 3 years. After about 2 and a half years, the tech guy that still works there started having lunch with me. It was every other day at first, which I didn't mind. I know that he has been an out cast his entire life and that he was lonely. Every other day turned into EVERY SINGLE DAY. Again, at first it was okay but I did start to get annoyed. Sometimes I just want to sit in silence on my lunch. Especially on our busiest days. I would eat out a couple of times a week just to avoid him.

Then he was gone for 3 weeks. He claimed that one of his other clients got hacked and that all of their information was stolen so he had to go deal with that issue. During this time, the owner told every one in the office to only use our computers for work things. Stop sending memes to each other, don't use Google for anything ect…. After the very peaceful 3 weeks, he was having lunch with me in the break room. He said “well with these new rules, it's too bad that I can't send you memes and what not. I have some pretty cool things to show you” …. Well I wasn't going to give him my phone number, so I gave him my personal email. Later that night, I received his first email. It was an animation of a girl that was stuck in a low vent bent over all sexual like and there was a guy standing behind her. Above the animation, there was this meter that said nice on one end and naughty on the other and the needle was full throttle to naughty. In the email that he wrote it said “everytime I see this pop up, it always reminds me of you”
Ugh… I turned my notifications off for my email and just stopped paying attention to it.
I started to eat out more to avoid him. He would sit with me in the break room even if he wasn't eating. He started to constantly follow me every where and the other girls at work noticed it and became just as creeped out as I was.
A few weeks later, I pulled up the email to see if had messaged me…. He sent me a new email every single day. None of which was as creepy and the 1st one… But still…

Then he decided to email my work email and tagged my co worker in it. We'll call her Sally. He invited Sally and I out to lunch on a Saturday. Just the 3 of us to this nice restaurant, where he chose all of our food and made plans for us after lunch… She saw the email and was understandably offended. She printed it and took it to the manager. After speaking to him, she urged me to tell him how he's been following me every where. (Side note, he followed me so much that I would randomly switch lunches with people. He would go to clock out, then see that I wasn't clocked out and would immediately clock back in and keep working until I went on lunch, forgot to mention this earlier) anyways.. I decided that this had gone too far and that i should tell some one what was going on.

I told our manager and he said “wow… I have noticed that he's been following you, but I don't think he means any harm by it. He goes to church”…. I'm sorry…what?! I just shook my head because I was so defeated. My manager then told me and Sally to email him and deny his request to have lunch with him and go with the “plan” after lunch. WE HAD TO EMAIL HIM. This was the moment I decided to look for another job.

The next day, the manager and the owner of the company were talking for two hours behind closed doors. I then got an email stating that the owner of the company was disgusted by this guy's actions towards Sally and I and since we didn't want to take action against him, he would just talk to him for now. WE WERE NEVER GIVEN THE OPTION TO TAKE ACTION.

Anyways… I don't want to make this story much longer, so I'll try to wrap this up. Another thing I forgot to mention, when Sally and I sent the email declining lunch, I cc'd the manager and the owner of the company in that email. I guess the tech guy saw that and then he shut himself in his office for a few months. Didn't talk to any one and when he did, he was snapping at every one. Eventually, his church group called the owner of the company to see if he was okay since Mr tech guy didn't show up to church for a month. A couple of weeks later I put in my two weeks as I was fed up with this company. During my last two weeks, the manager and the owner of the company took him out to lunch to make sure he was okay. Insert eye roll here

I know that I am missing some of the details to the story. For example:aside from the clocking in and out, he followed me every where and I mean everywhere. I would go to the bathroom and he would be standing outside of the door. He would go to my office to talk on his cell phone because apparently he got better reception in there…. Yeah okay…. Among many other creepy things.

Sorry this post is so long…

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