
I was let go a year ago, and life is much better now.

I must admit while the job was soul sucking, I actually had a good mid level boss who shielded me from all the corporate politics and let me do my job. The company was run poorly by a an angry and insecure CEO who ultimately ran things into the ground all while competitors prospered. They’ve since let most people go and are hanging on almost in name only. Anyways, one year later and I’m self employed and make more money than I ever did working full time for them. Now I spend more time with family, lost weight, mitigated the depression (while still present has much improved), and started to restore my self worth as a capable individual. The hindsight realization that I could have done this YEARS ago kind of pisses me off.. from constantly saying how tough it was out there and creating fear about the job market…

I must admit while the job was soul sucking, I actually had a good mid level boss who shielded me from all the corporate politics and let me do my job. The company was run poorly by a an angry and insecure CEO who ultimately ran things into the ground all while competitors prospered. They’ve since let most people go and are hanging on almost in name only.

Anyways, one year later and I’m self employed and make more money than I ever did working full time for them. Now I spend more time with family, lost weight, mitigated the depression (while still present has much improved), and started to restore my self worth as a capable individual.

The hindsight realization that I could have done this YEARS ago kind of pisses me off.. from constantly saying how tough it was out there and creating fear about the job market they really had me believe that I could not make it on my own, that I should be so lucky to take whatever they provide (way under market pay) on their good graces when all it really did was hold me back.

You are probably way more capable than your employer will have you believe. Keep that in mind and don’t be too afraid to make a leap. Yeah I was given a nudge but in hindsight it was the best thing ever.

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