
I was let go for reduction in force

I’ve been at my job for 3 years working in a warehouse for them to just out of nowhere make me unemployed.. my checks were being garnished 25% cause my exes mom was in an apartment under my name and I was late for rent last month 2 days so life has been throwing me in a rut I’m way behind on medical debt and bills, with no car and Im just tired. I don’t even want to work anymore I just want to be able to stream my game and not have to worry about being homeless. These people do not give a damn about you and what you’re going through, it’s just corporate bullshit “I’m sorry there’s nothing we can do, best of luck to you”

I’ve been at my job for 3 years working in a warehouse for them to just out of nowhere make me unemployed.. my checks were being garnished 25% cause my exes mom was in an apartment under my name and I was late for rent last month 2 days so life has been throwing me in a rut I’m way behind on medical debt and bills, with no car and Im just tired. I don’t even want to work anymore I just want to be able to stream my game and not have to worry about being homeless.

These people do not give a damn about you and what you’re going through, it’s just corporate bullshit “I’m sorry there’s nothing we can do, best of luck to you”

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