
I was living the dream… Now I’m back on earth

The dream was working from home as a developer, I was doing from 8 am to 5 pm with 1 hour for lunch every day 5 days a week. No overtime, no stress, great team, paid the right amount. A lot of paid holidays. And I was actually doing everything they asked me on time without any issue, but of course I was also able to make some bread, cook my good quality and really cheap lunch etc… Simple things that I could do while working in break time to enjoy life. It was too good to be true. Yesterday they asked me to go there for one time only (they said), turns out that's not true, they want to transfer me to another team that will require me to go there for at least some weeks. And they will ask me to work from 9 am to 6 pm.…

The dream was working from home as a developer, I was doing from 8 am to 5 pm with 1 hour for lunch every day 5 days a week.
No overtime, no stress, great team, paid the right amount. A lot of paid holidays. And I was actually doing everything they asked me on time without any issue, but of course I was also able to make some bread, cook my good quality and really cheap lunch etc… Simple things that I could do while working in break time to enjoy life. It was too good to be true.
Yesterday they asked me to go there for one time only (they said), turns out that's not true, they want to transfer me to another team that will require me to go there for at least some weeks. And they will ask me to work from 9 am to 6 pm. And the team is not great at all, I only worked there yesterday so I cannot say they are bad but they are not easy going people like the previous team… Today I said to my manager that I would like to stay on my old team (at least until the end of this month I should stay on this team) but I'm a quick-to-get agitated person and I feel terrible this morning because I don't really know what will happen to me.
I have never liked working, I consider it a necessary evil to survive and I know that compared to many other people I can consider myself lucky. But I've had several bornouts in the past and I'm tired of feeling so sick and tired. I thought I had escaped from these logics thanks to full remote and working from 8 to 5 instead of 9 to 6, but just the thought of going back to living them even for just a few weeks (and even after that I would find myself working from 9 to 6 and in a team that could be worse and asking for many overtimes) brings down my morale. I think that if I don't feel good I will immediately look for another job (in the software development sector it's not difficult)… I still feel down and tired.

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