
I was not hired for sales. I was hired specifically to be the only client service rep. So why am I being told to cold call clients for appointments?

So my coworkers can make more sales that I will in NO way benefit from, by the way. If they are getting the commission from having people come in here, shouldn’t they make the appointments? I already get behind in my work as it is. Between the constant flowing emails I am getting from clients, mortgage companies, banks, my boss, and my coworkers. The 50 gazillion phone calls I have to answer (because it is my job to answer all the incoming calls unless I am already on one. Often I barely have time to take a freaking breath between calls.) I have to call and text all our clients who are late on their payments so they don’t cancel. I do almost all the data entries and changes. I am on the front line when it comes to disgruntled clients. And lately it has been A LOT because of…

So my coworkers can make more sales that I will in NO way benefit from, by the way. If they are getting the commission from having people come in here, shouldn’t they make the appointments? I already get behind in my work as it is. Between the constant flowing emails I am getting from clients, mortgage companies, banks, my boss, and my coworkers. The 50 gazillion phone calls I have to answer (because it is my job to answer all the incoming calls unless I am already on one. Often I barely have time to take a freaking breath between calls.) I have to call and text all our clients who are late on their payments so they don’t cancel. I do almost all the data entries and changes. I am on the front line when it comes to disgruntled clients. And lately it has been A LOT because of raising premiums. My plate is already VERY FULL! I don’t mind the work. I specifically took the job because it was service. I hate sales. I am no good at them. So my boss said I would just be doing service. With the exception of cross selling (client calls with a question, I answer it. Then before hanging up “Hey, I notice you only have an auto policy with us. Have we had a chance to look at your homeowners?”) Which I don’t have a problem with that. To me, that is service. We want to make sure people are covered.

But now I have been told I need to call clients and set up appointments for my two coworkers so they can make more sales. As if I don’t already have an overwhelming to-do list as it is. And it’s not a small list of people I am calling. Over 2,000! Mind you, while I am juggling calling clients so my coworkers can make more money, while trying to get my long list of work done, they are gossiping and chit chatting. Again, I’m not getting any of the of commission on sales they make. They are going to benefit fully from my efforts while I’ll have nothing to show for.

If anyone in this office thinks I’m calling even a quarter of those 2,000 people, they are kidding themselves! I’m extremely busy. You want the sales? YOU call them.

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