
I was one of those guys who gave everything to their job….and this is why it’s a bad idea

For 3 years I have given everything to my job, working until midnight, travelling at very short notice, going well above my duties, solving other people's problems, logging into work straight after having surgery and coming in the next day etc. It finally came time to get promoted and the salary offered was 12% below the average of what everyone else in that position was making, and was no better than the money I was currently bringing in, if anything probably worse. When I brought this up was told it was non negotiable, it's more than what they offered others who had also been promoted, I could work less hours and that if I didn't take it now I would not get it again. I took a couple of days to consider it and stupidly accepted on the basis it would be reviewed at my next review (6 months). 3…

For 3 years I have given everything to my job, working until midnight, travelling at very short notice, going well above my duties, solving other people's problems, logging into work straight after having surgery and coming in the next day etc. It finally came time to get promoted and the salary offered was 12% below the average of what everyone else in that position was making, and was no better than the money I was currently bringing in, if anything probably worse.

When I brought this up was told it was non negotiable, it's more than what they offered others who had also been promoted, I could work less hours and that if I didn't take it now I would not get it again.

I took a couple of days to consider it and stupidly accepted on the basis it would be reviewed at my next review (6 months).

3 weeks later I was told I needed to work 4 weekends in a row then do 3 weeks of travel outside of country which again I stupidly did as there was no one else capable of carrying out the work.

Since then, I delivered all my projects on time and under budget, was doing the jobs of 3 managers, and all this while training a team of new starts who were given as resources to my project. To add insult to injury, i received a phonecall from my another department asking would I be interested in a job and were offering more than what I wanted but didn't think I would like the job as much and at this point was still holding onto hope that my salary review was coming.

Fast forward to this week and have had my review. I received the highest performance scores in the department and when I broached the subject of my salary was told that because I had just recently been promoted I was not taking into consideration for a raise…….but the people I trained are all getting one……

So here I am $8000 down, accepting more responsibility, sitting with egg on my face.

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