
I was told I’d be fired in a new job interview.

This is a strange one. I'm (M/24) I've been struggling to find a job for 3 months and finally found a job working as a fundraiser for nonprofit organisations (door to door) I did the interview with this lady that had bad attitude. She talked too fast with a thick accent, I couldn't understand most the things she said. When I asked her to repeat herself, she'd continue talking and skip what I said. Then she mentioned “if you can't get quarter the amount of the target in a week, I will fire” she mentioned that she'd fire me more than 3 times in the job interview. I think a manager like her for my mental health is a big no. the company website talk about nice treatment, diversity and respect and growth etc, but I saw none that. Is this normal? Are interviews conducted in this manner? Now I…

This is a strange one. I'm (M/24) I've been struggling to find a job for 3 months and finally found a job working as a fundraiser for nonprofit organisations (door to door) I did the interview with this lady that had bad attitude. She talked too fast with a thick accent, I couldn't understand most the things she said. When I asked her to repeat herself, she'd continue talking and skip what I said. Then she mentioned “if you can't get quarter the amount of the target in a week, I will fire” she mentioned that she'd fire me more than 3 times in the job interview. I think a manager like her for my mental health is a big no. the company website talk about nice treatment, diversity and respect and growth etc, but I saw none that. Is this normal? Are interviews conducted in this manner? Now I don't know if I should continue to be on government support or take offer.

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