This happened a few months ago during a one on one quarterly review. I'm a graphic designer / marketer.
During one of my quarterly reviews, I asked for a raise, with the rising cost of living my monthly take home barely covers my rent of $1800 mo. I like to live alone as I've had several poor instances with room-mates, In addition to my full time job, I also work part time.
My boss, we'll call him Peter, after requesting a cost-of-living adjustment starts giving me a spiel, here are some notable quotes from our conversation:
- “Y'know the first people to be let go when a company is doing poorly are the marketing folks, you don't want to make more than you make now just in case an evaluation's made during the low months.”
- This company doesn't give more than 1% raises yearly, it's always been like that and I wouldn't expect anything more than that every year.
- I've always had to work in addition to my full-time job, I haven't had a position where I didn't have to have a second mode of income.
For the past few months, I've been actively looking. :]