
I was trained for 5 months for nothing

I work part time in big-ass corporation with locations all over the world. When I was hired at the begginig of May, I was told that after my intership (originally 6 months) there should be a spot for being hired for full time. This suited me as I'm getting my Master's degree right now. Well, yesterday they told me that they are letting me go. Reason? The woman in another department came back from maternity leave, so an intern there was no longer needed. Another girl I was sharing my job also resigned, so they decided that instead two part time interns, they want somebody for full time. And my supervisor informed me that they offered it to the intern from the other department as she works here longer and was also in this department for a while (like 2 weeks which is not enough to get the basics). What's…

I work part time in big-ass corporation with locations all over the world. When I was hired at the begginig of May, I was told that after my intership (originally 6 months) there should be a spot for being hired for full time. This suited me as I'm getting my Master's degree right now. Well, yesterday they told me that they are letting me go. Reason? The woman in another department came back from maternity leave, so an intern there was no longer needed. Another girl I was sharing my job also resigned, so they decided that instead two part time interns, they want somebody for full time. And my supervisor informed me that they offered it to the intern from the other department as she works here longer and was also in this department for a while (like 2 weeks which is not enough to get the basics).

What's more is that last week there was an opening for a full time for the exact same position (I applied next day after posting) and I asked about it and was told that they are already were talking with somebody. Why then training me for this position for such a long time??

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