
I was willing to take the consequences but it’s felt too personal

I messed up. I was ranting about my manager to my friend and the text went to my manager. It wasn't the worse. I was pointing out the irony of his internet not working while they were working from home and how he mistakenly lectured me once about my internet not working thinking I was at home (I was in the office building) and threatened to taken away my work from home privileges for having unreliable internet. Basically I accepted my unprofessionalism and kept myself accountable and was going to sign the HR write-up paper without any fight. But then he started bring up other situations that they had a problem with…weeks ago I wore a t-shirt to a casual remote meeting. After the meeting, he called and said I need to be in professional attire even in my house setting, telling me he wears sweatpants and but I need…

I messed up. I was ranting about my manager to my friend and the text went to my manager. It wasn't the worse. I was pointing out the irony of his internet not working while they were working from home and how he mistakenly lectured me once about my internet not working thinking I was at home (I was in the office building) and threatened to taken away my work from home privileges for having unreliable internet. Basically I accepted my unprofessionalism and kept myself accountable and was going to sign the HR write-up paper without any fight.
But then he started bring up other situations that they had a problem with…weeks ago I wore a t-shirt to a casual remote meeting. After the meeting, he called and said I need to be in professional attire even in my house setting, telling me he wears sweatpants and but I need to always look presentable where they normally see me. Fine. Made the adjustment. Now wanted to write me up for it. Next mentioned I wore jeans to work and it was inappropriate, I have worked at this company for 3 years and NEVER been confronted about this. Yet others can wear leggings? And lastly, I'm on my phone too much. He recalled a time he saw me texting at my desk a month ago and said it was excessive. Both he wants to write me up for that now.
I pushed back hard, stating its unfair that suddenly theres were all these issues that are weeks/months even years after the fact and using it as weight for my write up. Clearly I hurt his feelings more then I violated policy.
Like mentioned I accepted the text situation but the rest was just unnecessary and shouldn't been documented with HR cause I wasn't given notification.
I've decided to walk away as soon as I can. Even if I don't have a job lined up and honestly it scares me to. Some people told me to stick around till I just can't no more but I'm not sure if it worth it.
I have had experienced with managers/coworkers that use emotions to guide their reaction and it never works out. I'm considering mentioning this was the last straw during my exit interview? I'm not sure yet. Feeling like my manager can't communicate makes me walk on eggshells or trust their decisions is a toxic environment. Theres many other factors making me walk away but this one is definitely was the last straw.

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