
I was wondering if i can file for unemployment my employer never emailed or got back in touch with me about my continuing shifts after summer break? (work at a school)

I worked as an afterschool teacher in an elementary public school February 2023. to June 2023. Summer break came by and on the last day before summer break occurred, my employer told me “We will stay in touch” and how she would definitely let me know when the fall school term starts. The school term already started on Septemember 7th and i have not gotten any information/email from her about my shift or anything. I sent her an email trying to follow up with her about my shift and when the first day starts and if im still considered and got no response from her. im planning to call her tomorrow to confirm my status since she did not respond to my email. I got in touch with a coworker via text and she told me how she had her shift emailed to her and went in this week for…

I worked as an afterschool teacher in an elementary public school February 2023. to June 2023.

Summer break came by and on the last day before summer break occurred, my employer told me “We will stay in touch” and how she would definitely let me know when the fall school term starts. The school term already started on Septemember 7th and i have not gotten any information/email from her about my shift or anything. I sent her an email trying to follow up with her about my shift and when the first day starts and if im still considered and got no response from her. im planning to call her tomorrow to confirm my status since she did not respond to my email.

I got in touch with a coworker via text and she told me how she had her shift emailed to her and went in this week for a summer camp in which my employer lied to me about ,she told me there was no summer camp back when i asked her in June. I find her lying to me about summer camp an indicator she does not want me to work there anymore. my co worker also told me she noticed three new employed were hired.

Just wow, not only she has treated me in a very unprofessional manner talking down to me like a child, legit she told me 'DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN' to me when i tried to ask my other coworkers for help to calm down a kid throwing a tantrum and she thought if i didnt do that he never woulda had a tantrum as if she could predict events,

i could tell she didnt like me, would give me dirty looks, act annoyed and treat me like im dumb when i wanted to clarify some information. Now lying to me and not responding to my email desptie her telling me she would get in touch and defentitly let me know! she already hired my replacements.

I never quit or told her i quit and she never told me she outright fired me, but could this case have a possible chance for me to be eligible for unemployment insurance? i worked part time 4 days a week about 18 to 20 hours a week.

should i try to call her tomorrow to confirm if i have been fired? i know employees can be sneaky to avoid these issues and wondering what to do in this situation i am very annoyed and upset!

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