
I wasn’t able to discover my career until I escaped the 60hr weeks

This is just a little rant. I've worked labor jobs forever – 60+hr weeks for pretty much my whole adult life. I didn't get paid well, I didn't have money to do things I wanted, no benefits, no time off, the works. It was a grind to say the least. Covid happened, got let go, took some time to learn about myself, and then found a 40hr/week job. It was incredible. I was sleeping SO much better, my stress was non-existent, just do my job and go home. I was working first shift so I was ending my day at 2-3pm and had a whole ass day ahead of me. I never had time for a hobby so I was looking for one and got a 3D printer. Well something just clicked when I started printing and it just made sense to me. I left that job and pursued the…

This is just a little rant.

I've worked labor jobs forever – 60+hr weeks for pretty much my whole adult life. I didn't get paid well, I didn't have money to do things I wanted, no benefits, no time off, the works. It was a grind to say the least.

Covid happened, got let go, took some time to learn about myself, and then found a 40hr/week job.

It was incredible. I was sleeping SO much better, my stress was non-existent, just do my job and go home. I was working first shift so I was ending my day at 2-3pm and had a whole ass day ahead of me. I never had time for a hobby so I was looking for one and got a 3D printer.

Well something just clicked when I started printing and it just made sense to me. I left that job and pursued the 3D printing industry working in tech. It was hard to get my foot in the door not having a degree let alone an engineering degree, but my god what a difference my life has been.

It's fucking wild to me that I was working so hard for so little for so many years and it wasn't until I got a moment to step back and take a breath that I found my industry and profession simply by having enough time for a hobby; something I've never had!

The work force is fucked, I didn't realize how badly I was being exploited until I got away from it. it was so hard to get away when you work so much you can't even have a bank account because you work during every conceivable banking hour, let alone doctors appointments (if you're lucky enough to have insurance) or interviews for new jobs. I was absolutely one of those people that would brag about “Well I work 14 hours a day so that makes me tough!” type shit.

The people need to unionize and fast. People are being worked to death.

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