My current job has sold to a another company and already new management is awful so I'm job hunting.
Since I'm in a position to be picky, I've been in a “don't take no shit” mentality. Don't want to tell me salary? Withdraw my application. Expect me to do extra work? Withdraw my application.
So today I get a text saying how great my resume looks for their position and they would love to bring me on board. Just please fill out this application.
I, politely, told them I'll be happy to fill out any paperwork when I get the job offer but until then they have my information from indeed.
They of course stick with the company line “We need these to move forward”
I thanked them for the unique insight at how inefficient the company is run and that I'm no longer interested.
Oh man that really triggered whoever was texting me as I started getting snide remarks “yeah you're not a good fit.” “We need people who can follow instructions”
Never mind they just said I was a great fit.
I just told them I need a company that respects their time and good luck to them cause it sounds like they're exactly where they deserve to be.
This started another string of snide texts that led to
“Antic, we require a culture index to see if you are a good fit for the position. If you cannot do that we cannot move forward.”
Like lol I thought I wasn't a good fit?
My response?
“First of all it's Mr.Opus.
You don't know me well enough to address me by my first name nor do I respect you enough to let you address me by my first name.
I already told you to revoke my interest so regardless we're not moving forward with anything.
And you know this yet you keep using your companies resources and time to continue your little petty ego stroking but that's a conversation you can have with your supervisor.”
I found the HR director on LinkedIn, called them up directly to explain the situation. The I emailed them a screen shot of the conversation and cced the hiring manager.
I doubt it'll get them fired but they'll probably get chewed out for it and I'll live in their head rent free for a couple weeks.