
“I will make sure you to make your life a living hell while you’re working here.” — coworker

Exactly her words to my coworker who has only been working here for 2 months; My coworker is afraid to report this old bat to management. Who in their right mind (old bat is 60f) thinks it is acceptable to speak to others like this? Especially to my new coworker (25f)? I wish management could open their eyes and take their heads out of their asses and see how ridiculous this woman truly is?

Exactly her words to my coworker who has only been working here for 2 months; My coworker is afraid to report this old bat to management. Who in their right mind (old bat is 60f) thinks it is acceptable to speak to others like this? Especially to my new coworker (25f)? I wish management could open their eyes and take their heads out of their asses and see how ridiculous this woman truly is?

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